Help using rogaine

hi i just started using rogain foam and im having a hard time applying it.i need the foam to cover the entire top of my head and since my hair is long im afraid its not reaching the scalp and all areas. Any tips? or is it better to use the liquid?

» hi i just started using rogain foam and im having a hard time applying it.i
» need the foam to cover the entire top of my head and since my hair is long
» im afraid its not reaching the scalp and all areas. Any tips? or is it
» better to use the liquid?

I use both, but when I use the foam, it’s easier to apply when my hair is wet and matted down. Supposedly having a wet scalp eases absorption in any case…

i use a dropper toreach under the existing hair. Is this usable with the foam… depends how the outlet looks like. Don’t know.

To apply minoxidil topical foam:

====Open the container by matching the arrow on can ring with the arrow on cap. Pull off the cap.

====Part the hair into one or more rows to expose the hair thinning area on the scalp.

====Hold the can upside down and press the nozzle to put foam on your fingers.

====Use your fingers to spread the foam over the hair loss area and gently massage into your scalp.

====Immediately after using this medicine, wash your hands to remove any medicine that may be on them

» hi i just started using rogain foam and im having a hard time applying it.i
» need the foam to cover the entire top of my head and since my hair is long
» im afraid its not reaching the scalp and all areas. Any tips? or is it
» better to use the liquid?