HD Video Example of Extreme Laxity

All the time I get questions about what qualifies as “extreme” laxity. When we were in Rome a few weeks ago I was able to film the laxity test of a patient that came to see us. I think this easily represents what extreme laxity looks like.

HD Video of Extreme Scapl Laxity

click PLAY button in media player below to watch in this post
click PLAY button in media player above to watch in this post.

he should not be doing a strip transplant as it will damage his head with terrible football stitching scar tissue for life.

» he should not be doing a strip transplant as it will damage his head with
» terrible football stitching scar tissue for life.

That is simply not true of this patient. Due to his laxity together with tricho closure and the undermining performed by H&W his scar is likely to be minimally noticeable even with a short hairstyle. He will be able to move the larger numbers of grafts that he needs compared to FUE alone. The technicians will be able to trim the Fus more accurately than can be done by even the best surgeons using FUE (which can reduce yield) and he will not risk the damage peripheral to the fue sites all over his head which can happen with FUE even in the best hands. He will also not risk changes in follicular direction all over his donor that can be caused by the removal of large numbers of FUs when using FUE.

looks like a cha pei dog :stuck_out_tongue: , that’s good for hair transplant?