Hasson & Wong - London - Free Consultations Feb 01

Hasson & Wong Hair Transplant

Hasson & Wong
Central London - Feb 01, 2014

Hasson & Wong is HairSite’s TOP RANKED FUHT Strip exclusive hair restoration clinic. Their UK representative David will be available to meet with anyone considering hair transplant procedures in London. This is a great opportunity to find out whether you are a good candidate for the procedure, details about the actual process and what to expect. Please register in advance to reserve your slot. First come first serve. David is a veteran hair transplant patient on the internet and has had 5 procedures spanning over 17 years. He is the perfect hair restoration consultant who can answer all your questions about hair loss and hair transplant restoration.

To register, email ukconsultant@hassonandwong.com or call 0757 8164162.

For those who are unable to attend the free consultation in person,telephone, email or virtual consultations are available at any time.
Free and no obligation.
Telephone: 1.800.859.2266 ( toll free US and Canada)
Email: info@hassonandwong.com
Website: www.hassonandwong.com