Hairsite I think we finally have a Plan ready to test Dr. Ghos Procedure

So we have a patient by the name of Grant Romundt aka Scissorboy who had a 1408 HST procedure done in London England.

heres the video

He lives 90 minutes north of Toronto, and I live in toronto and we agreed to have his donor hair checked out by a third party Hair transplant clinic here in Toronto.

» Hi. This is Grant (aka ScissorBoy). I was told about this thread and wanted
» to reply. I’m open to having testing done. I am currently about 90 minutes
» drive from Toronto and I travel frequently so testing sooner than later
» would be better so you can catch me while I’m here.
» I’m pretty busy so if I make the time to come in I want to make sure
» everything is done properly. I’m not convinced a 6.1 MP camera will be
» sufficient. I was told that the best thing for testing would be a dino
» microscope ( or that a local HT clinic may have
» the proper equipment to take high resolution images of the donor area. I
» would also say that it is best if you have an open minded clinic because
» Canadians (and especially doctors) tend to be very conservative (I"m
» Canadian but I’m not conservative) and many would instinctively defend
» their beliefs and say it can’t work rather than be open to a fair unbiased
» test.
» Basically, I’ll come in for testing but I want to make sure it is done
» properly so its a good use of my time and so that we get a good test result
» (whether good or bad) so that everyone is satisfied.
» You can email me direct at if you can get things
» organized appropriately.

I feel as though a hairtransplant clinic here in Toronto may not take us seriously or not have time and need financial compensation for such meeting.

I need you to help broker a deal with a legitimate hairtransplant clinic here in toronto to have Grants donor hair examined to see if there is any regrowth or FUE scars.

This way you can avoid paying for 50 HST graft test.

Please email me<>