Hairsite, I cannot edit my messages

I can preview the edit, but when I click on accept, the changes won’t stay.

I have the same problem

» I have the same problem
and sometimes there is a “G” at the end of the posted message. e.g., look at the first one on this thread.
I think it has to do with the “Add Your tube Embed Code to Share Video” box under the message window. somethig is not working well.

Lets hope there is not another “glitch” like the other day.

Sorry. Am looking into this right now.

» Sorry. Am looking into this right now.

Problem corrected. Pls try again.

This thread will be moved to the ADMIN category within 48 hours.


» Problem corrected. Pls try again.
» This thread will be moved to the ADMIN category within 48 hours.
» Thanks.

editing again…
and again…
okay, it works, even the subject.

Thanks Hairsite.

» I can preview the edit, but when I click on accept, the changes won’t stay.

Hairsite, would it be possible to edit my post about Bazan’s arrest?
I would like to include the second article in the first post, and also modify the Subject text to say “dr. Carl Bazan” instead of “Doctor Bazan”.

» » I can preview the edit, but when I click on accept, the changes won’t
» stay.
» Hairsite, would it be possible to edit my post about Bazan’s arrest?
» I would like to include the second article in the first post, and also
» modify the Subject text to say “dr. Carl Bazan” instead of “Doctor Bazan”.

It’s taken care of.

» » » I can preview the edit, but when I click on accept, the changes won’t
» » stay.
» »
» » Hairsite, would it be possible to edit my post about Bazan’s arrest?
» » I would like to include the second article in the first post, and also
» » modify the Subject text to say “dr. Carl Bazan” instead of “Doctor
» Bazan”.
» It’s taken care of.

Thanks Hairsite!!
one last thing: would you please also include the little photo of the second article:

again, thanks!

» » » » I can preview the edit, but when I click on accept, the changes
» won’t
» » » stay.
» » »
» » » Hairsite, would it be possible to edit my post about Bazan’s arrest?
» » » I would like to include the second article in the first post, and also
» » » modify the Subject text to say “dr. Carl Bazan” instead of “Doctor
» » Bazan”.
» »
» » It’s taken care of.
» Thanks Hairsite!!
» one last thing: would you please also include the little photo of the
» second article:
» again, thanks!


» Done.

thanks! :slight_smile: