Hairlove-Thinking about another surgery with Dr.Arvind

Hi all,
im now almost 2 yrs frm my last surgery with dr.Arvind.
During this time i have stuck to my regimen which has taken care of my native hairs.Transplanted hair as good as ever:)
I keep a very short haircut now and i like it that way! I am thinking about going with the FUE this time.Two major objectives–

  1. to transplant beard hair into the strip scar,thus allowing me to go even shorter style.

  2. address my temple with scalp fue to give it better definition.

the thing that bothers me is-Is it a good idea of fue ing into scar though i dont know how much hair i may loose in future and may need strip again to maximise my donor?

» Hi all,
» im now almost 2 yrs frm my last surgery with dr.Arvind.
» During this time i have stuck to my regimen which has taken care of my
» native hairs.Transplanted hair as good as ever:)
» I keep a very short haircut now and i like it that way! I am thinking about
» going with the FUE this time.Two major objectives–
» 1. to transplant beard hair into the strip scar,thus allowing me to go even
» shorter style.
» 2. address my temple with scalp fue to give it better definition.
» the thing that bothers me is-Is it a good idea of fue ing into scar though
» i dont know how much hair i may loose in future and may need strip again to
» maximise my donor?

Well my take is that beard hair is so coarse and rough anyway so really they are not all that useful except for repairs, so to answer your question I don’t think you have much to lose using beard hsir to fix your strip scar.

if all is well don’t get any more transplants now.

save your donor hair for the time you really need it.

even with Propecia, you can still lose hair - although at a much slower pace. Still its advisable to save your hair. Remember if no cure comes out, you will have to maintain your appearance for a good 40 years and there’s no telling when your hairloss is genetically programmed to accelerate.

how about trying QR678 instead with pictures and giving us some feedback. It looks legit to me and I’d be curious to see what it does.

» Hi all,
» im now almost 2 yrs frm my last surgery with dr.Arvind.
» During this time i have stuck to my regimen which has taken care of my
» native hairs.Transplanted hair as good as ever:)
» I keep a very short haircut now and i like it that way! I am thinking about
» going with the FUE this time.Two major objectives–
» 1. to transplant beard hair into the strip scar,thus allowing me to go even
» shorter style.
» 2. address my temple with scalp fue to give it better definition.
» the thing that bothers me is-Is it a good idea of fue ing into scar though
» i dont know how much hair i may loose in future and may need strip again to
» maximise my donor?

You have a lot of beard hair?

Well i guess i have average beard,i can spare atleast 2000 beard grafts from what i remember from my consultation two years ago!

How good can beard hair conceal the scar?how short will i be able to go then?
i just want to make sure that fueing into the scar will be worth all the effort!

» How good can beard hair conceal the scar?how short will i be able to go
» then?
» i just want to make sure that fueing into the scar will be worth all the
» effort!

Why not ask the doctor who will be doing your repair to show you some proof that it works before paying for the surgery?

I don’t think you need more surgery, unless I’ve been looking at the wrong pictures…If I am correct you have hair greed, go look at photos of Steve Ballmer and Ben Bernanke.

» I don’t think you need more surgery, unless I’ve been looking at the wrong
» pictures…If I am correct you have hair greed, go look at photos of Steve
» Ballmer and Ben Bernanke.

It’s different, he was talking about using beard grafts to fix his scar, I wouldn’t call that “greed” simply because he wants to fix his scar. It’s not like he is asking to lower his hairline.

Ill put up some pictures soon to show my scar with the short haircut and why i need to hide the scar!