Hair Transplant or Not?

Thanks for looking! What do you all think? On the conservative side, how many grafts?

I would send these pics to individual docs and ask their opinion, they might be more qualified to answer your question

» I would send these pics to individual docs and ask their opinion, they
» might be more qualified to answer your question

Good point hanging but I would say, you look like you have a good head for this style and I would use no more than 2000 FUE (maybe 1300) and keep it short. Like most of us I assume you will need a lot more one day but FUE will keep you in check for a while if it is not overloaded and too dense. Do not go for more than this as you will be front loaded when you thin further and will be forced to go on the never ending HT journey. Either that or leave it since you look good.

» » I would send these pics to individual docs and ask their opinion, they
» » might be more qualified to answer your question
» Good point hanging but I would say, you look like you have a good head for
» this style and I would use no more than 2000 FUE (maybe 1300) and keep it
» short. Like most of us I assume you will need a lot more one day but FUE
» will keep you in check for a while if it is not overloaded and too dense.
» Do not go for more than this as you will be front loaded when you thin
» further and will be forced to go on the never ending HT journey. Either
» that or leave it since you look good.

ya personally from guys who have been there dont that this guy is not in the position to need a HT yet but tons of guys in his position do get one , since TO THEM, they look terrible

» I would send these pics to individual docs and ask their opinion, they
» might be more qualified to answer your question

they will of course say yes so that’s not a good suggestion.

the guy should get on propecia or maybe avodart and minox 5% and see if he can hang on to what he has and grow some.

try it for 24 months and monitor the results.

in any case, anyone getting a hair transplant MUST do that or risk his existing hair falling out due to DHT attack and looking like a freak.

I would agree with Freddy. There are first signs of hairloss visible and using finasteride and minox should be the first choice line of defence.

» » I would send these pics to individual docs and ask their opinion, they
» » might be more qualified to answer your question
» they will of course say yes so that’s not a good suggestion.
» the guy should get on propecia or maybe avodart and minox 5% and see if he
» can hang on to what he has and grow some.
» try it for 24 months and monitor the results.
» in any case, anyone getting a hair transplant MUST do that or risk his
» existing hair falling out due to DHT attack and looking like a freak.

» » I would send these pics to individual docs and ask their opinion, they
» » might be more qualified to answer your question
» they will of course say yes so that’s not a good suggestion.
» the guy should get on propecia or maybe avodart and minox 5% and see if he
» can hang on to what he has and grow some.
» try it for 24 months and monitor the results.
» in any case, anyone getting a hair transplant MUST do that or risk his
» existing hair falling out due to DHT attack and looking like a freak.

my suggestion was not to ask docs if they think he needs a transplant
of course they will say YES

my suggestion was he wanted to know how many grafts to fill in this area so the docs know more than we do

Thanks for the replies. Greatly appreciated. I am getting mixed reviews from various sources—all the surgeons and clinics say I’m an “ideal” candidate, but to what extent? Ideal now, but awful in the long-run? In fact, I regard the opinions and advice of forum members to a greater degree than surgeons, because of my belief that you are impartial to the process. What gain do you guys have in telling me to get a HT? none.

With that being said, I would like to share some more information about myself:
I used fin for about 6 months but quit 1.5 years ago due to sides. I used minox for 2 years but also quit 1.5 years ago due to its ineffectiveness in the front. No drastic hair loss occurred, but the hair loss naturally progressed. I am 26 and noticed a receding hairline about 5 years ago. About 3 years ago, my hair started to thin on the top and front. My dad is bald and has real thick sides and back. His father is also bald, but his sides and back are real thin (although they do cover his scalp underneath from being visible).

My goal is to get a conservative HT to maximize what’s left in the donor area. Not lower the hair line, but just fill it in thicker. Well, I don’t really have a hairline, but you get my point. I don’t want my hair all the sudden full and thick as I want the HT to go undetected. I plan to initially grow my hair out a bit (inch on top and 2-3 guard on the back. I want my friends’ reactions to my longer hair to be something like…”hmmm he looks less bald with longer hair. I guess his hair covers his head more when longer.” Of course, I will have to go on some “vacation” or whatever to pull this off. I’ve had a buzzed head most my life, even when I wasn’t balding (sports, convenience, and looks). I feel that if I wait any longer for a HT, it will stick out like a sore thumb.

Psychologically speaking, I don’t need this HT to live my life. However, if something were to go awry (scarring, abnormalities, etc.) I don’t think I could handle the regret very well. There is, of course, the opposite regret that I will undeniably have if I don’t get a HT soon. I know someone who is bald with a strip scar visible, and I bet he’d be willing to pay 10 times what he did for the HT to just be a “regular bald guy.” I’ve contemplated simply just shaving my head for the rest my life, but a good HT (along with good advice and execution for the future) would drastically change my life for the better. I think about my hair every day, and numerous times per day. When something makes me happy, the realization that I’m balding brings me back down. I hope the previous few sentences don’t elicit the response of people asking me to take anti-depressants or get professional help—I’m not emotionally unstable. I’m trying my best to illustrate my feelings to get a more refined response from you guys.

Thanks again

» Good point hanging but I would say, you look like you have a good head for
» this style and I would use no more than 2000 FUE (maybe 1300) and keep it
» short. Like most of us I assume you will need a lot more one day but FUE
» will keep you in check for a while if it is not overloaded and too dense.
» Do not go for more than this as you will be front loaded when you thin
» further and will be forced to go on the never ending HT journey. Either
» that or leave it since you look good.

I have had a very similar opinion from a well reputed surgeon. One surgeon recommended 1200 and the other 1800 (both FUE). One recommended that I keep my hair short for it to look better. I wouldn’t mind, but I also have concerns about white dot scarring. I have read that different races have different grafts. Asians, in general, have more single and double follicles than multiple follicles when compared to others. The surgeon stated he would use singles for the hair line and doubles for the top…So, 1800 grafts for one person is not the same number of hairs for another. Does this change the analysis? Should I have a thorough analysis of the donor region to better assess the viability of the HT?

Also, some members have suggested that I am not an ideal candidate and shouldn’t get a HT. Others have recommended 3500 grafts just for the front. One member recommended getting a strip job and get FUEs later. Although this does concern me, I do like hearing multiple opinions as it helps me make a more informed decision.

» My goal is to get a conservative HT to maximize what’s left in the donor
» area. Not lower the hair line, but just fill it in thicker. Well, I don’t
» really have a hairline, but you get my point. I don’t want my hair all the
» sudden full and thick as I want the HT to go undetected.

It seems like you have a conservative strategy, I see no reason why you could not go forward with a procedure after doing the proper research. I would continue to send in your photos to some of the top clinics to get an online evaluation performed. They are often free and very informative.

At our clinic an online consultation involes you speaking with the doctor directly over the phone regarding your case.

Have a couple evaluations done from a few different doctors to get more then one opinion. This will help you make an informed decision.

I have had multiple procedures with Alvi Armani to restore my head of hair from front to back, you can read through my story here: