Hair Repair Success With Beard, Chest and Head Donor Grafts - Results By Dr. Uma

This patient was at a Norwood 6 level of hair loss when he came to see Dr. Umar. However, this was not his first time he planned on undergoing a hair transplant.

In fact, he had already experienced several strip surgeries and even a BHT procedure. Unfortunately, the results he experienced were quite futile. Despite all the grafts which were harvested and inserted, he continued to be bald since they did not survive.

Furthermore, the remnants of his past strip procedures were quite evident as a series of linear scars which remained quite visible on the back of his head.
Due to the removal of head donor follicles from all his previous surgeries, there was very little that could be done through conventional forms of hair transplantation.

Because Dr. Umar specializes in body hair transplantation and has a consistent record of successful outcomes, this patient decided to undergo a repair procedure at Dermhair Clinic.

Dr. Umar is the innovator of uGraft which is an Advanced Follicular Unit Extraction technology and surgical system. Body hair transplantation performed for expanding limited head donor supply has long been a conceptual ideal. However there have been two challenges which have limited its actual implementation.

(1) The acute and varying growth angles of the follicles
(2) The need for improved standards in wound healing on body surfaces which are highly visible.

UGraft was designed to address both these areas.

For this particular patient, Dr. Umar was able to create a donor quantity of about 7,000 grafts. This included:

(1) 700 grafts from the chest
(2) 4500 grafts from the beard
(3) 1800 grafts from the scalp

The inserted follicles thrived in their new locations to produce desired levels of coverage and to conceal the strip scars. Here are before and after photos of his procedure.

That’s a good result under the circumstances - that guy was left in really bad shape from the previous surgeries. :ok: