H&W HD Video Fridays/Dr. Wong/5864 Grafts/One Session/Strip

This patient came to see Dr. Wong for as much of a cosmetic improvement as possible in one session. Dr. Wong and team transplanted 5864 grafts in one session for the result you see below. The results are one year post-op. The patient had been on .5mg Avodart for one year before his procedure.

5864 Grafts

Dr. Wong/5864 Grafts/One Session/1 Year/ Strip

That is an incredibly honest representation of great hair transplant.

I think you portrayed the illusion of density perfectly, showing the patient at a variety of angles to provide perspective.

The reason H&W is STILL the only clinic to provide HD videos is because H&W is the only clinic with absolutely nothing to hide.

I’m not sure how his donor is, but if he could get another 3-4k… there almost wouldn’t be an “illusion” anymore.

wow! I still don’t understand how h and w can get such large strips.

You can also watch the same video here in this post.

Click PLAY button in the media player below to start video

For more Hasson & Wong patient results or to arrange a free consultation, go to


I didn’t like this at first because he still has a high and slightly receding forehead but then when I saw the top view I think this is very impressive to cover that large an area using only 5864 grafts.