Gho splitting hairs?

» oh, I see, Iron_Man has reviewed the video again, and has realized that the
» “falling appart theory” is not substantiated by the images. It was just a
» wet-dream. too bad…

I suppose this confirms that Spanish Dud couldn’t see FU’s falling appart so far in all Gho’s videos. That is good to know …

So WHAT can YOU see instead of? :smiley:

» » oh, I see, Iron_Man has reviewed the video again, and has realized that
» the
» » “falling appart theory” is not substantiated by the images. It was just
» a
» » wet-dream. too bad…
» I suppose this confirms that Spanish Dud couldn’t see FU’s falling appart
» so far in all Gho’s videos. That is good to know …
» So WHAT can YOU see instead of? :smiley:

I am waiting for proof of your claims…

» I am waiting for proof of your claims…

I’m waiting too …

Spanish Dud demands from other users/patients donor photos, but is unable to post some of HIS donor … :smiley:

So, again, when you lose, you resort to nonsense talk/demands unrelated to the topic you are discussing.

No, I am not going to post a pic of my donor, why would I? My donor is virgin, and I don’t give a sht if you believe it or not. It is irrelevant to the discussions of these forums.

» » I am waiting for proof of your claims…
» I’m waiting too …
» Spanish Dud demands from other users/patients donor photos, but is unable
» to post some of HIS donor … :smiley:

» So, again, when you lose, you resort to nonsense talk/demands unrelated to
» the topic you are discussing.

No, I just demonstrated that

  1. I’m not your bitch;
  2. other users/patients are not your bitch too;

» » So, again, when you lose, you resort to nonsense talk/demands unrelated
» to
» » the topic you are discussing.
» No, I just demonstrated that
» 1) I’m not your bitch;
» 2) other users/patients are not your bitch too;

you just demonstrated that you lie like a bitch.

» » » So, again, when you lose, you resort to nonsense talk/demands
» unrelated
» » to
» » » the topic you are discussing.
» »
» » No, I just demonstrated that
» »
» » 1) I’m not your bitch;
» » 2) other users/patients are not your bitch too;
» you just demonstrated that you lie like a bitch.

No, its ALWAYS Spanish Dud …

Damn s c a m m e r …

LOL between spanish dude, stevie dee, and Ironman… I get so much entertainment from you guys.:smiley:

» LOL between spanish dude, stevie dee, and Ironman… I get so much
» entertainment from you guys.:smiley:

hmmmm, I think not that much more entertaining than these 2 guys for me …

Hi hairtech naahhh i wont get in arguments with this guy any more.

Nevertheless, Gho is not splitting hairs. There is actually no reason for this

Why can’t moron stop your idiotic discussion everywhere about “is Gho splitting hairs” … “is Gho splitting hairs” … “is Gho splitting hairs” …??

NO - Dr. Gho does NOT “split” grafts aka “follicular units”
- as fräudulently claimed by some jealous and incompetent HT doctors to mislead patients.

For all idiots and incompetent HT doctors out there - once and for all:

This animation video describes what Dr. Gho is doing …

… and completely the same is described in Dr. Gho’s peer-reviewed paper on page 3:


HST is a “FUE-like” procedure, but the (inner-) diameter of the (special) extraction needle is JUST THE HALF of traditional used FUE punches for harvesting/extraction of complete/intact follicular units.

Is it really so hard to understand??

Or with other words:
Is a guy named “Umar” doing this as shown below?

NO - because he has absolutely NO CLUE how to do this (and what for)!

» Why can’t moron stop your idiotic discussion everywhere about “is Gho
» splitting hairs” … “is Gho splitting hairs” … “is Gho splitting hairs”
» …??
» NO - Dr. Gho does NOT “split” grafts aka “follicular units”
- as
» fräudulently claimed by some jealous and incompetent HT doctors to mislead
» patients.
» For all idiots and incompetent HT doctors out there - once and for all:
» This animation video describes what Dr. Gho is doing …
» … and completely the same is described in Dr. Gho’s peer-reviewed paper
» on page 3:
» HST is a “FUE-like” procedure, but the (inner-) diameter of the
» (special) extraction needle is JUST THE HALF of traditional used FUE
» punches for harvesting/extraction of complete/intact follicular units.
» Is it really so hard to understand??
» Or with other words:
» Is a guy named “Umar” doing this as shown below?
» NO - because he has absolutely NO CLUE how to do this (and what for)!

I think that it is a good question that has yet to be verified either way…

I personally do not believe he is splitting hairs HOWEVER I see a lot of single hairs coming out of the wounds…and some doc said TRX2 grows hair so just because Gho said he isnt spitting doesnt mean we can come to the final conclusion he isn’t splitting

in gaz’s photos we could see SOME multiple hair regrowth from the HST donor wounds but I still dont know if the hairs were 4 hair FUs and now are 2? or were 4 and now are 3? I dont know or have any way to validate or invalidate Umer’s ciritcism. I wish Gho would post some sort of rebuttle.

like I said before: I dont think he is splitting hairs. Which is why I am in the process of trying to book with Gho… I’m trying to see if I can have insurance cover it and very well may be able to claim depression as the cause for procedure… this is going to take time and complicate things but could save me who knows how much money

I dont wanna sound rude here but actually i am sorry Gho is not as good as to split hairs blind at this success rate.

Sorry even he cant pull this splitting stunt without taking a closer look under the skin.

And well its highly unlikely that you get a plit success rate this high. I thin needhair you should try to start to convice your shrink (this was no offense here because i really like your idea)

Oh and here is a tip for your insurance company if you hae to talk to them, tell them that complications with HST are non existent like follow up surgeries to clear the scar etc.

Right now i think Gho is simply not capable of splitting hairs at this success rate, he is simply not good for this, also if he would do this, this would increase the extraction time

guys, I think you are right, he is not splitting hairs, he is simply transecting them like crazy with that evil motorized drill which is like a small chainsaw :smiley:
Its not a follicle asassination, it is a pure chainsaw follicle massacre.

If Gho was splitting FUs, the left hair would be visible from day zero.
So it has to be transection. Massive transection.

And needhairasap, where you see 2 hairs sprouting, maybe its because it was a 2-hair FU and BOTH were transected. Don’t rule that possibility out. Of course it could also be a 3-hair FU, where 2 were transected.

On the possitive side, the transected follicles regrow in the donor site (not in the recipient), maybe because of the fine needle.

» I dont wanna sound rude here but actually i am sorry Gho is not as good as
» to split hairs blind at this success rate.
» Sorry even he cant pull this splitting stunt without taking a closer look
» under the skin.
» And well its highly unlikely that you get a plit success rate this high. I
» thin needhair you should try to start to convice your shrink (this was no
» offense here because i really like your idea)
» Oh and here is a tip for your insurance company if you hae to talk to them,
» tell them that complications with HST are non existent like follow up
» surgeries to clear the scar etc.
» Right now i think Gho is simply not capable of splitting hairs at this
» success rate, he is simply not good for this, also if he would do this,
» this would increase the extraction time

» If Gho was splitting FUs, the left hair would be visible from day zero.
» So it has to be transection. Massive transection.

hu hu - one the fräudsters is saying something …

Anyway, so why don’t you explain why you ask “experts” what they can see in Gho’s petri dish?

And why don’t you make some nice screen shots from all the other petri dishes you can find in Gho videos …

… and maybe you can present us some horizontal/transversal transected FUs and/or follicles with amputated follicle bulbs - which just Spanish Dud (and nobody else) can see ?

Conclusion …

Page 01. JB says that SD is a loser.
JB says that SD’s life is bitter, miserable and depressed.
JB says that SD posts false evidence

Page 04. JB says that SD is a con man.
JB says that SD is issuing lies and false allegations.
JB says that SD is misinforming and misleading people on Hairsite by posting lies and false allegations.
JB says that SD takes text out of context to harm people
JB says that SD is a loser who builds himself up by tearing others down
JB says that SD is the biggest con artist and liar Hairsite has ever witnessed
JB says that SD is an hypocrite, a con artist, and a liar, that is using propaganda to mislead people.


In short - SD is a psychiatric fräudster.

If you have a better theory of the 1 week regrowth, tell me (please, no fairy tales).

I asked patient qw123 full resolution photos of the petri dish, but he didn’t want to post them.

» » If Gho was splitting FUs, the left hair would be visible from day zero.
» » So it has to be transection. Massive transection.
» hu hu - one the fräudsters is saying something …
» Anyway, so why don’t you explain why you ask “experts” what they can see
» in Gho’s petri dish?
» And why don’t you make some nice screen shots from all the other petri
» dishes you can find in Gho videos …
» … and maybe you can present us some horizontal/transversal transected FUs
» and/or follicles with amputated follicle bulbs - which just Spanish Dud
» (and nobody else) can see ?
» Conclusion …

» ----------------------------------------
» Page 01. JB says that SD is a loser.
» JB says that SD’s life is bitter, miserable and depressed.
» JB says that SD posts false evidence
» Page 04. JB says that SD is a con man.
» JB says that SD is issuing lies and false allegations.
» JB says that SD is misinforming and misleading people on Hairsite by
» posting lies and false allegations
» JB says that SD takes text out of context to harm people
» JB says that SD is a loser who builds himself up by tearing others down
» JB says that SD is the biggest con artist and liar Hairsite has ever
» witnessed
» JB says that SD is an hypocrite, a con artist, and a liar, that is using
» propaganda to mislead people
» etc
» Source:
» ----------------------------------------
» In short - SD is a psychiatric fräudster.

okay, it is very difficult to see well the grafts in the petri dish, because they are bunched together, but I think I have found a few transections.

» If you have a better theory of the 1 week regrowth, tell me (please, no
» fairy tales).
» I asked patient qw123 full resolution photos of the petri dish, but he
» didn’t want to post them.

I have updated the pic with a few more, but it is very difficult to judge:

» okay, it is very difficult to see well the grafts in the petri dish,
» because they are bunched together, but I think I have found a few
» transections.

» I have updated the pic with a few more, but it is very difficult to judge

A few more - what? A few more of Spanish Dud’s fräuds?

If it would be true, what you FRÄUDULENTLY claim, nobody could see almost all intact follicle bulbs in Gho’s petri dishes - loser.

» » I have updated the pic with a few more, but it is very difficult
» to judge
» A few more - what? A few more of Spanish Dud’s fräuds?
» If it would be true, what you FRÄUDULENTLY claim, nobody could see almost
» all intact follicle bulbs in Gho’s petri dishes - loser.

are you saying that the transections that I detected are not?