Gho says Rooney looks like Quasimodo

No guys its not a lie but Gho has started to get a little bit to cocky and unethical.

Quote : " “If he had opted for our technique, Wayne would have avoided looking like Quasimodo,” says the institute’s Dr Coen Gho, referring to a picture that Rooney tweeted of his new hairline saying, “Hi all, there’s my head. It will take a few months to grow. Still a bit bloody too but that’s all normal. #hairwego.”

Source : This is London Magazine

Seems someone is pissed that another football player didnt visit HSI, i wonder why he didnt went there? Maybe WS wasnt that impressed after all. There are other fine exa,ples of >Ghos lies in this article. It seems people begin to see this shabby stuff

Also someone gave me another info about Gho and his obvious strange study i will provide it in a few minutes

» Source :
» This is London Magazine
» Seems someone is pissed that another football player didnt visit HSI …

I really wonder who is the “pissed one” - Gho or the now enlightened Quasimodo?

BOTH, Wayne Rooney as well as e.g. Gordon Ramsay looked like Quasimodos (well said Gho!) after having traditional HT procedures - and they paid the hell more money for their bloody procedures!! What a joke! :smiley:

I find some parts of the article highly interesting:

Dr Reddy practises an advanced version of the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique, the one that Rooney opted for [if someone would have an “advanced version of FUE”, Rooney wouldn’t look like Quasimodo after such a procedure!].

Unlike more traditional strip method - where skin from the dense hair area at the back of the head is cut away before being placed onto balding sections - FUE uses tiny needles to transfer individual follicles to where they are needed, without scarring. Reddy, who charges £2.50 per hair follicle transferred, says demand for this treatment is “humongous”.

At the Hair Science Institute’s London clinic, the waiting list for its HST procedure (hair stem-cell transplantation) currently runs up to February 2012.

“If he had opted for our technique, Wayne would have avoided looking like Quasimodo [up to a week after the procedure],” says the institute’s Dr Coen Gho, referring to a picture that Rooney tweeted of his new hairline saying, “Hi all, there’s my head [could nobody identify him, due to his Quasimodo-head?]. It will take a few months to grow. Still a bit bloody too but that’s all normal [sure, if you use traditional HT’s].”

HST extracts the hair, rather than the entire follicle, meaning we penetrate no more than two to three millimetres deep. The dentist is worse,” says Gho [damn right Gho - Rooney’s dentist used the old bloddy Woods Technique].

Anyway - no wonder why the waiting list for Gho’s HST procedure currently runs up to February 2012 - just at Gho’s London clinic!

After Wayne Rooney chose a different hair transplant surgeon,
dr. Gho said that because of this choice, Rooney now looked
like “Quasimodo”.
Do you think that dr. Gho made this “comparison” by chance?
Or maybe dr. Gho made this comparison to inflict maximum humilliation
to Mr. Rooney?

» No guys its not a lie but Gho has started to get a little bit to cocky and
» unethical.
» Quote : " “If he had opted for our technique, Wayne would have avoided
» looking like Quasimodo,” says the institute’s Dr Coen Gho, referring to a
» picture that Rooney tweeted of his new hairline saying, “Hi all, there’s my
» head. It will take a few months to grow. Still a bit bloody too but that’s
» all normal. #hairwego.”
» Source :
» This is London Magazine
» Seems someone is pissed that another football player didnt visit HSI, i
» wonder why he didnt went there? Maybe WS wasnt that impressed after all.
» There are other fine exa,ples of >Ghos lies in this article. It seems
» people begin to see this shabby stuff
» Also someone gave me another info about Gho and his obvious strange study i
» will provide it in a few minutes

Maybe he doesn’t look like quasimodo, but he looks like “quasibaldo”.
Is dr. Gho balding?

» No guys its not a lie but Gho has started to get a little bit to cocky and
» unethical.
» Quote : " “If he had opted for our technique, Wayne would have avoided
» looking like Quasimodo,” says the institute’s Dr Coen Gho, referring to a
» picture that Rooney tweeted of his new hairline saying, “Hi all, there’s my
» head. It will take a few months to grow. Still a bit bloody too but that’s
» all normal. #hairwego.”
» Source :
» This is London Magazine
» Seems someone is pissed that another football player didnt visit HSI, i
» wonder why he didnt went there? Maybe WS wasnt that impressed after all.
» There are other fine exa,ples of >Ghos lies in this article. It seems
» people begin to see this shabby stuff
» Also someone gave me another info about Gho and his obvious strange study i
» will provide it in a few minutes

Yep Gho id in fact humiliate someone because a CELEBRITY didnt opt for Ghos mini overpriced not proven HST.

Unless we finally see a full transformation, Ghos HST is just BS.

Another proof for this BS is simple.

Iron.Man claimed he would go to Gho this year. But so far he hasnt the Guts to tell anyone WHEN even Gho should not know this. But wait a second here.

Gho will of course find out who Iron.Man is because of IronMans scar pattern at the back of his head :slight_smile: so here we see Iron.Man is using lies again because he is obviously not getting a Gho transplant because

a) he doesnt have the money
b) hates the results himself as well as we do

The harder Iron.Man tries to convince people of Gho the more red flags come up

so Iron_Man says that he is going to Gho IN SECRET???
LOL this is the funniest thing in a long time.

» Yep Gho id in fact humiliate someone because a CELEBRITY didnt opt for Ghos
» mini overpriced not proven HST.
» Unless we finally see a full transformation, Ghos HST is just BS.
» Another proof for this BS is simple.
» Iron.Man claimed he would go to Gho this year. But so far he hasnt the Guts
» to tell anyone WHEN even Gho should not know this. But wait a second here.
» Gho will of course find out who Iron.Man is because of IronMans scar
» pattern at the back of his head :slight_smile: so here we see Iron.Man is using lies
» again because he is obviously not getting a Gho transplant because
» a) he doesnt have the money
» b) hates the results himself as well as we do
» The harder Iron.Man tries to convince people of Gho the more red flags come
» up

» so Iron_Man says that he is going to Gho IN SECRET???
» LOL this is the funniest thing in a long time.

Right, that’s really the funniest thing - because I didn’t say anywhere “I go to Gho IN SECRET”.

“Unless we finally see a full transformation, Ghos HST is just BS” come on I just settle for a real online posters a few of them that documented there transformation like those who do in the ht forum. Not much to ask it could be 1000. 2000, 3000, and up grafts. Just documentation and availiable to answer some questions that’s all.

» » so Iron_Man says that he is going to Gho IN SECRET???
» » LOL this is the funniest thing in a long time.
» Right, that’s really the funniest thing - because I didn’t say anywhere “I
» go to Gho IN SECRET”.

You did buddy your words were

“I even dont wanna Gho to know who i am and you said also that you like it when a femals will operate on you”

So to me this is pretty much in Secret :slight_smile:

You even dont wanna Gho to know who you are thats exactly what you said

Btw - where is the difference between the topic title created by Stevie.Psycho and the one below from the discussed article?

“If he had opted for our technique, Wayne would have avoided looking like Quasimodo,” says the institute’s Dr Coen Gho …

Is there someone BESIDES stevie.psycho and spanish dud, who knows what Dr. Gho actually meant with this comment?

» » » so Iron_Man says that he is going to Gho IN SECRET???
» » » LOL this is the funniest thing in a long time.
» »
» » Right, that’s really the funniest thing - because I didn’t say anywhere
» “I
» » go to Gho IN SECRET”.
» You did buddy your words were
» “I even dont wanna Gho to know who i am and you said also that you like it
» when a femals will operate on you”
» So to me this is pretty much in Secret :slight_smile:
» You even dont wanna Gho to know who you are thats exactly what you said


» Btw - where is the difference between the topic title created by
» Stevie.Psycho and the one below from the discussed article?
» --------------------
» “If he had opted for our technique, Wayne would have avoided looking
» like Quasimodo
,” says the institute’s Dr Coen Gho …
» ---------------------
» Is there someone BESIDES stevie.psycho and spanish dud, who knows what Dr.
» Gho actually meant with this comment?

perhaps it was just “barrel distortion”?
I think it is very clear what Gho meant. In fact, Rooney looks a bit like Quasimodo, and it seems that dr. Gho took advantage of that to humilliate him because he chose a different clinic.

» come on
» I just settle for a real online posters a few of them that documented there
» transformation like those who do in the ht forum. Not much to ask it could
» be 1000. 2000, 3000, and up grafts. Just documentation and availiable to
» answer some questions that’s all.

Interesting - they just discussed that issue on as well, and concluded finally, that e.g. The Netherlands represents actually “a mecca for HT’s” - but there are always just a few (or the same) documented patients results from all those HT clinics in this country.

How many HT clinics are there on our planet in general?
How many patients have HT’s almost EVERY DAY on our planet?

But where are all the “documented patient results”?

Stevie, I think the article is wrong:
it says that dr. Reddy charged Rooney 2,5GBP per follicle, but it also says that the complete job was 30.000GBP in 2 days. This would mean 12.000 follicles.
This is oviously wrong. It is 3k GBP not 30k.

The error could be intentional.
Because they compare 30k, 2 days (Dr. Reddy) against 4k-8k, 10hours (Dr. Gho).
The article gives the impression that dr. Gho is cheaper and faster than dr. Reddy, which is oviously false.

Also dr. Gho says that he penetrates just 2 or 3 mm deep to extract the follicle. I think this is a total lie.

Dr Reddy practises an advanced version of the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique, the one that Rooney opted for.

Unlike more traditional strip method - where skin from the dense hair area at the back of the head is cut away before being placed onto balding sections - FUE uses tiny needles to transfer individual follicles to where they are needed, without scarring. Reddy, who charges £2.50 per hair follicle transferred, says demand for this treatment is “humongous”.

At the Hair Science Institute’s London clinic, the waiting list for its HST procedure (hair stem-cell transplantation) currently runs up to February 2012.

“If he had opted for our technique, Wayne would have avoided looking like Quasimodo,” says the institute’s Dr Coen Gho, referring to a picture that Rooney tweeted of his new hairline saying, “Hi all, there’s my head. It will take a few months to grow. Still a bit bloody too but that’s all normal. #hairwego.”

“HST extracts the hair, rather than the entire follicle, meaning we penetrate no more than two to three millimetres deep. The dentist is worse,” says Gho.

However, a hair transplant will take much longer and cost considerably more than your average filling.

Rooney reportedly booked in for a two-day, £30,000 procedure at the Harley Street Hair Clinic last Thursday. Dr Gho says patients will need to have a spare 10 hours and £4,000-£8,000 for a HST at the Hair Science Institute’s London clinic.