
Use google translator;-)

» Startseite - 3sat-Mediathek
» Use google translator;-)

Follicles cultured
Researchers grow stem cells in three dimensions
Researchers led by Professor Roland Lauster from the Technical University of Berlin have hair follicles grown from autologous stem cells.
"We cultivate the cells three-dimensionally and not, "explains the biotechnologist. “This means the cells can contact each other. This sets the starting point in the development of a body such as the hair follicle are.” This team should be isolated only a few follicles to grow to many new ones. This could be implanted in bald spots.

Combined with a micro-chip could be replaced as well as animal tests, says Dr. Uwe Marx: "By 2013 we will try to bring a small micro-liver a small bone marrow and other organs in our chips to get on this way many systems statements . Then we could prevent untold suffering of animals. "

interesting that Professor Roland Lauster is himsellf a Norwood 6.

if these guys are to be believed, we have the cure and it can jump right over the fda since it involvves the use of our own cells rather than a drug.

now when are these guys going to license this technology to hair transplant clinics? i expect another 10 years of foot dragging.

» interesting that Professor Roland Lauster is himsellf a Norwood 6.
» if these guys are to be believed, we have the cure and it can jump right
» over the fda since it involvves the use of our own cells rather than a
» drug.
» now when are these guys going to license this technology to hair transplant
» clinics? i expect another 10 years of foot dragging.

I agree totally with you,
the solution is definitely existing, as far (iam native german speaker) as i understand him correctly it is already proofed that they can produce from a few Follicles in 2 Weeks (i hope i remember correctly) a lot more…

But to get through FDA in US … or Germany … Minimum 5 to 10 Years

» » interesting that Professor Roland Lauster is himsellf a Norwood 6.
» »
» » if these guys are to be believed, we have the cure and it can jump right
» » over the fda since it involvves the use of our own cells rather than a
» » drug.
» »
» » now when are these guys going to license this technology to hair
» transplant
» » clinics? i expect another 10 years of foot dragging.
» I agree totally with you,
» the solution is definitely existing, as far (iam native german speaker) as
» i understand him correctly it is already proofed that they can produce from
» a few Follicles in 2 Weeks (i hope i remember correctly) a lot more…
» But to get through FDA in US … or Germany … Minimum 5 to 10 Years

100 bucks they will shift to asia.

But you are right german laws considering technologies sucks. Its a fact we have a good health care system (compared to others) but we are the last in line when it comes to solutions

» I agree totally with you,
» the solution is definitely existing, as far (iam native german speaker) as
» i understand him correctly it is already proofed that they can produce from
» a few Follicles in 2 Weeks (i hope i remember correctly) a lot more…
» But to get through FDA in US … or Germany … Minimum 5 to 10 Years

Could you give us a translation of what the German video in the above link mentioned.

Anyway, I’m cross posting this info which is in another thread :

I found an article written by ‘Daily Mail’ (not sure about this paper). Anyway, there are points I think worth to discuss and basically, I think the article is at least quite well investigated and I agree with the most of it.

Cure for baldness on the horizon as scientists grow world’s first hair follicles using stem cells
Written By: Nadia on December 18, 2010

It is an embarrassing condition that has plagued middle-aged men for centuries but now scientists think they are close to creating a cure for baldness following a stem cell breakthrough.

Scientists at the Berlin Technical University in Germany, have grown the world’s first artificial hair follicles from stem cells.

The follicles were created from animal cells and were somewhat thinner than normal, but the team were optimistic they could grow human hairs from stem cells within a year.

Research leader Dr Roland Lauster said within five years millions of hair-loss sufferers could grow new hair from their own stem cells and have it implanted their bald spots.

Dr Lauster told the Germany newspaper Die Welt that preparations for clinical trials were ‘already in motion.’

It could mean celebrities such as comedian Harry Hill and football legend Sir Bobby Charlton could soon sport full-bodied barnets.

Stem cells are the body’s master cells. When manipulated in a laboratory they can be grown into any tissue in the human body from blood to bone and even whole organs.

But although stem cells are seen as the holy grail for medicine, progress has been slow and there are few widely available treatments.

Current treatments for baldness include hair plugs where stronger hair follicles from the side and back of the head are transplanted to bald spots.

However, the treatment takes five to 10 hours and would need to be performed repeatedly to create a natural appearance as hair loss continued.

Dr Lauster also believes that growing skin and hair follicles in the lab could eventually spell the end of animal testing.

He said: ‘Since 1950 the number of new chemicals used in cosmetics has risen 500-fold, and so has the need for animals to be experimented upon to ensure they are safe for humans.

‘This could well do away with the need for them to suffer,’ he said.
The bioengineer plans to create a hair follicle test system that could be used for testing new drugs and cosmetics. He then hopes to develop a miniature liver, kidney and bone marrow ‘biochip’ in conjunction with the Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology.

Claire Bates
Daily Mail UK


Someone found the patent for this on the internet ?

J Biotechnol. 2011 Mar 20;152(3):108-12. Epub 2011 Jan 28.

De novo formation and ultra-structural characterization of a fiber-producing human hair follicle equivalent in vitro.

Lindner G, Horland R, Wagner I, Ataç B, Lauster R.
SourceDepartment of Biotechnology, Technische Universität Berlin, Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25, D-13355 Berlin, Germany.

Across many tissues and organs, the ability to create an organoid, the smallest functional unit of an organ, in vitro is the key both to tissue engineering and preclinical testing regimes. The hair follicle is an organoid that has been much studied based on its ability to grow quickly and to regenerate after trauma. But hair follicle formation in vitro has been elusive. Replacing hair lost due to pattern baldness or more severe alopecia, including that induced by chemotherapy, remains a significant unmet medical need. By carefully analyzing and recapitulating the growth conditions of hair follicle formation, we recreated human hair follicles in tissue culture that were capable of producing hair. Our microfollicles contained all relevant cell types and their structure and orientation resembled in some ways excised hair follicle specimens from human skin. This finding offers a new window onto hair follicle development. Having a robust culture system for hair follicles is an important step towards improved hair regeneration as well as to an understanding of how marketed drugs or drug candidates, including cancer chemotherapy, will affect this important organ.

Why is this not getting more attention ? This is huge.

We recreated human hair follicles in tissue culture that were capable of producing hair.

And nobody talks about it ? Histogen can’t do that. Follica can’t do that. Replicel can’t do that. Someone has to get an interview from that Robert Lauster, his findings totaly went under the radar … give this guy some funding !

we did give it much attention.

problem is Dr. Roland Lauster isn’t putting out any news on it.

Last i’ve heard human trials are underway though i don’t know if this is true.

the question of course is what kind of hair is he growing. velus hair or proper head hair.

with our luck, its probably pubic hair.

Anybody tried to contact him by e-mail ?

» Anybody tried to contact him by e-mail ?

I prepared a list of 8 or so questions with the guys here, carefully wrote it up and sent it in an email…

and got no reply.

If the clinical trials are already in motion, we should be able to find the informations on the internet …

» If the clinical trials are already in motion, we should be able to find the
» informations on the internet …

I found the patent on google and I’m currently reading it.

» » If the clinical trials are already in motion, we should be able to find
» the
» » informations on the internet …
» I found the patent on google and I’m currently reading it.

We put a lot of attention on it but it is a surgical solution Daaahhhh or do you think those follicles will be injected and not implanted?

Someone speaking german could try contacting him with this system directly from the university website. Could even call him !

We could try contacting Gerd Lindner too since they’ve been working on this together … he already give an interview to this website :

But the questions are pretty dumb and pointless if you ask me.

» Startseite - 3sat-Mediathek
» Use google translator;-)

here is a quick transcript/translation of the 3sat video:

This somewhat strange looking scanning electron microscope image is the hope for many people with little or no hair. It is the first hair follicle which was grown in a laboratory and hair grows out of this microscopic hair follicle. The biotechnologists of technical universtiy of berlin were the first to grow a follicle from human stem cells. The secret is the method: the berlin scientists chose a “new path”.

Lauster: “the difference is that we culture the cells in a 3d environment and not in a 2d enviornment. By doing this we allow the cells to come into contact with each other, or if you so like they start to “play” with each other. You can see that here the cells organize themselves from single cells to small clusters and then go over to even greater clusters. These clusters are the origin of the development of an organ in this case the hair follicle.”

The scientists then add the epidermis cells of the upper skin to the solution with the stem cells, as you can see here from the optical microscope, the two cell types them form a full follicle including hair within a week.

after that they explain traditional hair transplants

Lauster: “our method is fundamentally different [to a traditional hairtransplant], because only few follicles need to be removed. From these follicles the cells are isolated and and cultivated and microfollicles are formed. By doing this we are able to produce a multitude of hair follicles. That means the method is more faster, not as invasive, easier and therefore more attractive for the broad market when trying to get your hair back.”

after that they speak about how it will can be used instead of animal testing.

infact, I personally, have a lot more hope in this becoming viable, than Gho delivering anything useful to us.

» » Startseite - 3sat-Mediathek
» »
» »
» »
» » Use google translator;-)
» here is a quick transcript/translation of the 3sat video:
» This somewhat strange looking scanning electron microscope image is the
» hope for many people with little or no hair. It is the first hair follicle
» which was grown in a laboratory and hair grows out of this microscopic hair
» follicle. The biotechnologists of technical universtiy of berlin were the
» first to grow a follicle from human stem cells. The secret is the method:
» the berlin scientists chose a “new path”.
» Lauster: “the difference is that we culture the cells in a 3d environment
» and not in a 2d enviornment. By doing this we allow the cells to come into
» contact with each other, or if you so like they start to “play” with each
» other. You can see that here the cells organize themselves from single
» cells to small clusters and then go over to even greater clusters. These
» clusters are the origin of the development of an organ in this case the
» hair follicle.”
» The scientists then add the epidermis cells of the upper skin to the
» solution with the stem cells, as you can see here from the optical
» microscope, the two cell types them form a full follicle including hair
» within a week.
» –
» after that they explain traditional hair transplants
» –
» Lauster: “our method is fundamentally different [to a traditional
» hairtransplant], because only few follicles need to be removed. From these
» follicles the cells are isolated and and cultivated and microfollicles are
» formed. By doing this we are able to produce a multitude of hair follicles.
» That means the method is more faster, not as invasive, easier and therefore
» more attractive for the broad market when trying to get your hair back.”
» –
» after that they speak about how it will can be used instead of animal
» testing.
» –

Thanks for the translation hairman2, but I think this is nothing new. It seems that these are protohairs grown in a petri dish. And the 3-D environment is an scaffold.
And they are not even using human cells. Probably mouse cells, and growing mouse protohairs.

ICX researched protohairs (it seems they were not the inventors, but licensed the technology from asian researchers) and ARI said that they created protohairs but they didn’t survive long enough.

am I wrong? So what is exactly new re. these german researchers??

» infact, I personally, have a lot more hope in this becoming viable, than
» Gho delivering anything useful to us.
» » » Startseite - 3sat-Mediathek
» » »
» » »
» »
» » »
» » » Use google translator;-)
» »
» » here is a quick transcript/translation of the 3sat video:
» »
» » This somewhat strange looking scanning electron microscope image is the
» » hope for many people with little or no hair. It is the first hair
» follicle
» » which was grown in a laboratory and hair grows out of this microscopic
» hair
» » follicle. The biotechnologists of technical universtiy of berlin were
» the
» » first to grow a follicle from human stem cells. The secret is the
» method:
» » the berlin scientists chose a “new path”.
» »
» » Lauster: “the difference is that we culture the cells in a 3d
» environment
» » and not in a 2d enviornment. By doing this we allow the cells to come
» into
» » contact with each other, or if you so like they start to “play” with
» each
» » other. You can see that here the cells organize themselves from single
» » cells to small clusters and then go over to even greater clusters. These
» » clusters are the origin of the development of an organ in this case the
» » hair follicle.”
» »
» » The scientists then add the epidermis cells of the upper skin to the
» » solution with the stem cells, as you can see here from the optical
» » microscope, the two cell types them form a full follicle including hair
» » within a week.
» »
» » –
» » after that they explain traditional hair transplants
» » –
» »
» » Lauster: “our method is fundamentally different [to a traditional
» » hairtransplant], because only few follicles need to be removed. From
» these
» » follicles the cells are isolated and and cultivated and microfollicles
» are
» » formed. By doing this we are able to produce a multitude of hair
» follicles.
» » That means the method is more faster, not as invasive, easier and
» therefore
» » more attractive for the broad market when trying to get your hair back.”
» »
» » –
» » after that they speak about how it will can be used instead of animal
» » testing.
» » –

You know what create another blog entry you ever downtalking troll. Its getting old with your stuff.

They are NOT using mouse hairs, you wanna know why? Because they need to recreate human hair because it should abandon animal testings * A BIG ONE MILLION FACE PALM*

Good Lord you are such a troll, everytime barking at everything good but the bad stuff well you let this slip. Its boring