Gene Therapy Classes for Hairloss - (session 1)

This is an educational initiative of Dr. Arvind Poswal, to help people benefits from the latest research in field of anti ageing medicine.

Resveratrol for hair: Hair Growth-Promoting Effect of Resveratrol in Mice, Human Hair Follicles and Dermal Papilla Cells - PMC
Grapeseed for hair:Proanthocyanidins from grape seeds promote proliferation of mouse hair follicle cells in vitro and convert hair cycle in vivo - PubMed
Fisetin for hair:Fisetin Promotes Hair Growth by Augmenting TERT Expression - PMC.
NMN for hair:Therapeutic effects of growth factor cocktail (Cellcurin) containing FGF5s (fibroblast growth factor 5 short) and NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide) in patients with androgenetic alopecia: A split study.
Ca AKG for hair :Stimulation of Hair Growth by Small Molecules that Activate Autophagy - PubMed

@Dr_A_s_Clinic are you saying that we actually bleed each time after using dermaroller? Will this form of self wounding actually damage existing hair follicles?

@Dmehmet watch 8:01 minute into the video , it shows exactly how dermaroller works, yes it does cause minor bleeding .

@Dr_A_s_Clinic thanks a million for the video. Why not also add topical minoxidil after using dermaroller? Many said they see good results doing that, I have been doing that also myself and I can see a difference.

Yes. Minoxidil added after microneedling is good too.

No, it does not.
The platelets aggregate on the tiny wounds bringing the growth factors to work.

@Dr_A_s_Clinic dr arvind, your hair looks really good, do you use anything for your hair?

Dr A’s hair regimen - NMN, Resveratrol, EVOO, TMG, hyaluronic acid, collagen peptides all orally, daily.
Fasting, cold shower, mild exercise.
Microneedling once a week (1mm), followed by topical Resveratrol+grapeseed extract daily

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Congrats Dr. A, yes your hair does look very good. what is TMG ?

I think Trimethylglycine

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I missed your question.
NMN depletes the methyl groups in the DNA. TMG (trimethylglycine) replaces those methyl groups.
Dr A

Gene therapy works on the stem cells of the hair follicle.
You can see the stem cell escaping the toxic environment of the hair follicle in this video to understand how the hairloss process happens.

Escaping stem cells play role in hair loss | National Institutes of Health (NIH).