FUE Vs. Strip what yields more efficiently?

Anyone with an opinion, please respond…

I’ve had strip and I am thinking about having a small fue procedure done…

» Anyone with an opinion, please respond…
» I’ve had strip and I am thinking about having a small fue procedure
» done…

you already have TOO MUCH hair on your head.

you will look like a monkey if your hairline was any lower or denser.

leave it be and don’t be obsessive like michael jackson - having countless of needless surgery and end up looking like a freak.

preserve your donor hair for the future when you really need it.

» » Anyone with an opinion, please respond…
» »
» » I’ve had strip and I am thinking about having a small fue procedure
» » done…
» you already have TOO MUCH hair on your head.
» you will look like a monkey if your hairline was any lower or denser.
» leave it be and don’t be obsessive like michael jackson - having countless
» of needless surgery and end up looking like a freak.
» preserve your donor hair for the future when you really need it.

Yeah, why do you want to have more hair? Your hair looks amazing already, unless the pics in your blog/journal are from many years ago and you are starting to lose more hair, I see no reason why you need more hair.

Both Strip and Fue can have nice results with high yield when done properly.

Reddog wants to be a Norwood -1 :smiley: