FUE Hair Transplant Video - 2661 Grafts - Dr. Rahal

Dear forum members,

Recently, I added some photos showing this Dr. Rahal FUE hair transplant patients results. He had 2661 grafts and 6388 hairs. You can see his photos and full patient details by visiting the below link.

2661 Grafts - FUE Hair Transplant - Dr. Rahal

View the below FUE Hair Transplant Video featuring this patient’ results.

Best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant

@RahalHairTransplant WOW, good work !

Hello, I want to have a hair transplant, but, I have a lot of questions in my mind. Where did you have it done. Are you satisfied. Which would you recommend, FUT, or FUE. Can I get information.


I’m not sure who you’re responding to but I created the above topic to showcase one of our clinic’s (Rahal Hair Transplant) patient results. As you can see by the results, this patient is very happy.

As for your specific case, if you want to send me a private message with some more detail about your current hair loss, family history, your age and some photos I can set you up with a one on one information session with Dr. Rahal so you can get an idea of what you realistically expect from her transplant surgery.

You can also email us at info@rahalhairline.com

Best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant