FUE by Dr Reddy - Norwood 3, 2611 grafts / 7393 hair

55 year old gentleman with Norwood 3 hair loss pattern. He wanted improvement for the front. His hair loss was stabilized with Propecia and Minoxidil over 12 months.

He was counselled extensively need for further work on crown if hair loss progresses. He was happy with improvement in his crown after 12 months on Propecia and Minoxidil.

2611 grafts / 7393 hair were transferred in one day. Results 12 months after.

Very nice result! It looks like a pretty small area for 2611 grafts and they don’t look especially dense packed… So maybe there is still some more growth expected, a pretty high transection rate, or I’m just reading it wrong…

Wow, very dramatic improvement, he should be pleased with this. I have seen other work from your clinic, I think this has to be one of the largest sessions, cause usually you post sessions around 1000 grafts.

Oh c’mon! good density for the hair transplant but will someone please tell him that his hair color is way off!! I can’t stand a bad dye job, what s the point in spending all the money for a hair transplant and ruin it with a bad dye job.

Sometimes a dye job can look worse in photos than it does in real life.