Forum feature - Reply with Quote + Video embed

Reminder about new features in our forum

1) Reply with Quote

A frequently asked question about the new forum is how to reply with quote . This couldn’t be easiser. All you need to do is to highlight the text you want to quote and you will see a pop-up asking if this is the quote you wish to include in your post. Click the pop-up and you are done.

2) Embed video

Another question is how to embed videos. Simply copy and paste the videol link in your post and you are done. You no longer need to look up the iframe code.

3) Your email address

Please make sure you update your email address so that you will receive alerts and notifications and can also post and reply with your email.

4) @name

If you want a particular user to know that you have mentioned his name, please type the @ sign on your keyboard and you will see a popup with a list of usernames appearing on the screen. Pick the one you are going to mention and he will automatically receive notification when you finish your post.

Any other forum administration or maintenance issues, please post here.

Thank you.