Forehead lift as part of strip surgery?

I would appreciate any comments regarding combining a strip HT with a forehead lift. I believe the way it would be done is after making the incision, the doctor would have to slip his hand under the scalp to separate it from the skull all the way to the eyebrows, pull it back slightly and, lay it back down. I would anticipate the following:

Upside: 1) Forehead lift, eyebrows raised.
2) Less stretching of the hair-bearing scalp.

Downside: 1) Hairline is moved backwards.
2) Somewhat more trauma.

These are just my thoughts as a lay person. In my case, I would only want my forehead raised maybe three millimeters. If any doctor would comment I would greatly appreciate it!

Cueball Bob

Cueballbob, I’m not a doctor but I believe what you plan on doing is a very bad idea. Since I am familiar with the hair lift I can tell you that what you are proposing to do is an extreme procedure for very little benefit with very high risk. A doctor that performs this type of procedure will of course differ in their view.

All one needs to do is look at the tremendous amount of very bad plastic surgery coming out of Hollywood to understand just how risky having something done to your face happens to be regardless of how much money you have and who you go to.

Just search bad plastic surgery on youtube for starters. You can also check out this site for the hairlift which sounds simple on paper but the reality is much different.

» Cueballbob, I’m not a doctor but I believe what you plan on doing is a very
» bad idea. Since I am familiar with the hair lift I can tell you that what
» you are proposing to do is an extreme procedure for very little benefit
» with very high risk. A doctor that performs this type of procedure will of
» course differ in their view.
» All one needs to do is look at the tremendous amount of very bad plastic
» surgery coming out of Hollywood to understand just how risky having
» something done to your face happens to be regardless of how much money you
» have and who you go to.
» Just search bad plastic surgery on youtube for starters. You can also check
» out this site for the hairlift which sounds simple on paper but the reality
» is much different.
» The Hair Transplant Industry is a Disgrace

Thanks for the response, Topcat, but I’m not sure if my post was clear enough. I was proposing simply lifting the skin on the forehead very slightly. This would reduce the wrinkles on the forehead and raise the eyebrows – both signs of aging. I was proposing nothing like a scalp reduction and my idea requires no additional cutting of any kind.

I couldn’t even go past the first paragraph of your post, it sounds absolutely horrific and creepy, why do you want to subject yourself to that kind of torture?

Cueballbob I understood your post my response would still be the same regarless of how much or how little you plan to pull that skin up. You still need to have that incision made and that link just shows what is involved. Although it is a little different it is basically the same priniciple. I’m just giving you my opinion here.

I don’t know much about lasers but I think maybe you should investigate that or something similar first.

I have also read posts in the past by those that did exactly what you are proposing and later regretted it. I’m not trying to dissuade you just think long and hard and speak to patients that have had it done.

» I would appreciate any comments regarding combining a strip HT with a
» forehead lift. I believe the way it would be done is after making the
» incision, the doctor would have to slip his hand under the scalp to
» separate it from the skull all the way to the eyebrows, pull it back
» slightly and, lay it back down. I would anticipate the following:
» Upside: 1) Forehead lift, eyebrows raised.
» 2) Less stretching of the hair-bearing scalp.
» Downside: 1) Hairline is moved backwards.
» 2) Somewhat more trauma.
» These are just my thoughts as a lay person. In my case, I would only want
» my forehead raised maybe three millimeters. If any doctor would comment I
» would greatly appreciate it!
» Cueball Bob

Dear Cueball Bob,
Let me first be clear about what you propose to do.
You wish to do a browlift/forehead lift accompanied immediately with a strip hair transplant.

I have come across patients who have undergone browlift (there are different methods of browlift too) and who have subsequently undergone hair transplant at our clinic.
Of course, we do not do browlifts and the browlift procedure was done by the patients elsewhere. One instance was when the procedure had been done barely 10 days before HT and another (whom I would call a serial eyebrow lift patient as he undergoes the procedures every few years) who got HT 2 months after the eyebrow lift.

  1. The Eyebrow lift is a totally separate procedure from a strip HT. There is no way that the doctor will take out a strip and undermine all the way from the strip excision wound to the forehead. (Atleast I have never heard of such a thing).

  2. So if he takes out a strip, and does a browlift by lifting the forhead skin at the same time, he will need to make the incision in the frontal area - most likely in the proposed recipient area.
    Undermining the recipient area at the same time as transplanting on it + don’t forget the stitches in the recipient area where grafts will not be placed doesn’t make sense to me.

If at all you wish to do both the procedures, I would recommend you to view them as 2 entirely different surgeries to be performed separately.

Dr. A

P.S. - Pictures of your current hairloss, with the proposed hairline marked and the area that would be undermined and where the browlift sutures would be placed marked on the pictures will help a lot.

» » I would appreciate any comments regarding combining a strip HT with a
» » forehead lift. I believe the way it would be done is after making the
» » incision, the doctor would have to slip his hand under the scalp to
» » separate it from the skull all the way to the eyebrows, pull it back
» » slightly and, lay it back down. I would anticipate the following:
» »
» » Upside: 1) Forehead lift, eyebrows raised.
» » 2) Less stretching of the hair-bearing scalp.
» »
» » Downside: 1) Hairline is moved backwards.
» » 2) Somewhat more trauma.
» »
» » These are just my thoughts as a lay person. In my case, I would only
» want
» » my forehead raised maybe three millimeters. If any doctor would comment
» I
» » would greatly appreciate it!
» »
» » Cueball Bob
» Dear Cueball Bob,
» Let me first be clear about what you propose to do.
» You wish to do a browlift/forehead lift accompanied immediately with a
» strip hair transplant.
» I have come across patients who have undergone browlift (there are
» different methods of browlift too) and who have subsequently undergone hair
» transplant at our clinic.
» Of course, we do not do browlifts and the browlift procedure was done by
» the patients elsewhere. One instance was when the procedure had been done
» barely 10 days before HT and another (whom I would call a serial eyebrow
» lift patient as he undergoes the procedures every few years) who got HT 2
» months after the eyebrow lift.
» 1. The Eyebrow lift is a totally separate procedure from a strip HT. There
» is no way that the doctor will take out a strip and undermine all the way
» from the strip excision wound to the forehead. (Atleast I have never heard
» of such a thing).
» 2. So if he takes out a strip, and does a browlift by lifting the forhead
» skin at the same time, he will need to make the incision in the frontal
» area - most likely in the proposed recipient area.
» Undermining the recipient area at the same time as transplanting on it +
» don’t forget the stitches in the recipient area where grafts will not be
» placed doesn’t make sense to me.
» If at all you wish to do both the procedures, I would recommend you to view
» them as 2 entirely different surgeries to be performed separately.
» Regards,
» Dr. A
» P.S. - Pictures of your current hairloss, with the proposed hairline marked
» and the area that would be undermined and where the browlift sutures would
» be placed marked on the pictures will help a lot.

Thanks for your response, Dr. A. I thought it was relatively simple to lift the scalp off the skull – I heard it was like separating velcro. But if it involves a lot of cutting, etc., obviously, it would be absurd to proceed as I have indicated. And, as you say, creating an incision for a lift at the recipient site as part of a transplant would also be a silly idea. Thanks!