Follica – Hair follicle stem cells & skin regeneration

ATTENTION: Well known HairSite trolls, psychos & all idiots who have rarely something intelligent to say in general, please stay away at least from this thread! Thanks in advance!


» ATTENTION: Well known HairSite trolls, psychos & all idiots
» who have rarely something intelligent to say in general, please stay away
» at least from this thread! Thanks in advance!

TY for that Iron.Man. You said in the other follica-Thread, that they are really deep with that stuff and could hit the market right now and would just need some finetuning. So does that mean they are using stuff already FDA-approved?

Can someone stop by the University of Penn and video tape this guy giving his presentation - preferably with a clear digital video camera and sound. If you don’t have a digital video camera, use your cell phone although the quality of pictueres and slides that might be presented will be sub-standard.

If you can, please do it.

And lets get a couple of questions together because it has a Q&A session.

» Can someone stop by the University of Penn and video tape this guy giving
» his presentation - preferably with a clear digital video camera and sound.
» If you don’t have a digital video camera, use your cell phone although the
» quality of pictueres and slides that might be presented will be
» sub-standard.
» If you can, please do it.
» And lets get a couple of questions together because it has a Q&A session.

Yeah its really good, if your mice got injured during a cat fight, you can induce Hair Neogenesis. Lets wait and see if this can be translated to humans and if so

how effective can this be


» ATTENTION: Well known HairSite trolls, psychos & all idiots
» who have rarely something intelligent to say in general, please stay away
» at least from this thread! Thanks in advance!

Has follica done anything on a human head?


» ATTENTION: Well known HairSite trolls, psychos & all idiots
» who have rarely something intelligent to say in general, please stay away
» at least from this thread! Thanks in advance!

Heres an article that was in a greek blog. I translated it to english thats why the sentences are backwards. I hope someone doesnt delete it like they have my others.

thanks for the translation

» thanks for the translation

You’re welcome.