Follica: abrasive wheel = dermaroller?

I wonder if this is what the article meant by abrasive wheel. I’ve never heard of such a thing except maybe a dermaroller thaet is the closest thing to come to mind…

» I wonder if this is what the article meant by abrasive wheel.

microdermabrasion tool

» » I wonder if this is what the article meant by abrasive wheel.
» microdermabrasion tool

Nobody knows,they could be using a sand blaster from Cotsarelis’s tool shed. If you where sitting on a gold mind would you give out any information?

If there are guys here trying to replicate Follica’s ideas than you can bet your bottle of Rogain that there are clinics out there trying to replicate Follca’s work.Follica will be doing everything to make sure no one hijacks their idea & gets the glory.Unlike TRC this can be replicated by any clinic if they have some REAL info.

» Unlike TRC this can be replicated
» by any clinic if they have some REAL info.

I hope it’s so, because this would be GREAT for us, more they are trying this method, more are the chances that we’ll have something on market soon…

» » » I wonder if this is what the article meant by abrasive wheel.
» »
» » microdermabrasion tool
» Nobody knows,they could be using a sand blaster from Cotsarelis’s tool
» shed. If you where sitting on a gold mind would you give out any
» information?

Well, if those are Cotsarelis exact words, then he is referring to a dermabrasion device.

» If there are guys here trying to replicate Follica’s ideas than you can
» bet your bottle of Rogain that there are clinics out there trying to
» replicate Follca’s work.Follica will be doing everything to make sure no
» one hijacks their idea & gets the glory.Unlike TRC this can be replicated
» by any clinic if they have some REAL info.

That’s why Follica has a patent, covering every possible way the experiment can be replicated. Legally, they can stop any clinic from commercial use of their procedure.

I think they are using a gel to wound the skin in the harvard tests.

Folica is probably not very occupied with the specifics of the wounding method right now. They’re probably neck-deep in trying to nail down the hair growth controls.

Dermabrasion, gels, chemical treatments . . . whassa difference? In the end it’s all about accomplishing the same depth of wound no matter how they elect to do it.