Fatty skin cell clue to baldness

Fat cells in the skin have been identified as the source of chemicals needed to make hair grow, according to researchers in the US.

Experiments on mice, reported in the journal Cell, suggested hair stem cells were controlled by fat.

Injecting a type of fat cell stimulated hair growth in mice which otherwise struggled to grow hair.

The Yale University team says it may be possible to use the findings to one day restart hair growth to reverse balding.


Mouse Study Could Give New Clues to Fighting Baldness

Another discovery

new study

What will be the next topic title regards this useless issue?
“IronMan is thinking that the Yale guys have absolutely NO CLUE about hair biology” ??

“IronMan is thinking that the Yale guys have absolutely NO CLUE about hair biology” ??

» “IronMan is thinking that the Yale guys have absolutely NO CLUE about hair
» biology” ??

So the question is - why I mentioned this?

If at least 1 - 2 guys are interested to know why this “new discovery” will NOTHING constribute for a “hair loss cure” - no problem at all to explain it as simple as possible - of course as always includig references.