Fake pill distributer

Anyone know how I can get in the business? Seems like they’re making tons of money buying sugar pills and shipping them out with fake packaging. Seems like a highly profitable business! Imagine making $1 per pill when it only costs you $0.02!

WTF? » Anyone know how I can get in the business? Seems like they’re making tons
» of money buying sugar pills and shipping them out with fake packaging.
» Seems like a highly profitable business! Imagine making $1 per pill when it
» only costs you $0.02!

Start here: www.fbi.gov

» Start here: www.fbi.gov

good one! :slight_smile:

The government should be take care of such people… its totally illegal and unfair with people and other medical companies…

Its nothing like that everyone is making money the Companies sell it for $6-8 per pill while you can get he generic version a lot more cheaper do you think the people who are buying the generic versions are mad? they are saving money by just purchasing an alternative.

» The government should be take care of such people… its totally illegal
» and unfair with people and other medical companies…

» Start here: www.fbi.gov

What would that do? There are plenty of online pharmacies who have been taking your money for years. Have you reported them? :slight_smile: