Equisomin serum users

To all equisomin serum users.

Did you notice any increase of grey hair with this product (whatever its antihairloss properties may be)?
Thank you very much.

» To all equisomin serum users.
» Did you notice any increase of grey hair with this product (whatever its
» antihairloss properties may be)?
» Thank you very much.

Nope. I’ve used and use more than that product though.

Thank you jacob for replying. How much do you apply daily? Any idea what the concentration of melatonin is? Is it written on the bottle?

» Thank you jacob for replying. How much do you apply daily? Any idea what
» the concentration of melatonin is? Is it written on the bottle?

When I do apply it…I just apply enough to cover those areas I want to cover. Couldn’t really tell you how much.

You could ask them what the concentration is…it might have been stated before but I can’t remember.