Elvis was a norwood 7

Elvis without his Wig:

:rotfl: :rotfl:

Too bad Elvis didn’t visit Dr. Cutsinger’s site to find out about shampoo baldness.

Who is the fat, tub-o-goo in the [icture? Is that you, DD?

» Elvis without his Wig:

» :rotfl: :rotfl:

Finally, someone shows a picture of how Widowspeak really looks like. No wonder he always talks about wanting to look like Elvis.

I actually thought this was a very young picture of my leader Dr. Lawrence Cutsinger when he used to shampoo as a young man. Lawrence claims he was a truck driver in his early days. Wasn’t Elvis as well? Hmmm. Is Elvis still alive? Maybe Dr. Lawrence Cutsinger is in fact Elvis Presley. Something to think about and possibly discuss further. :smiley:

» » Elvis without his Wig:
» »

» »
» » :rotfl: :rotfl:
» Finally, someone shows a picture of how Widowspeak really looks like. No
» wonder he always talks about wanting to look like Elvis.
» I actually thought this was a very young picture of my leader Dr.
» Lawrence Cutsinger when he used to shampoo as a young man. Lawrence claims
» he was a truck driver in his early days. Wasn’t Elvis as well? Hmmm. Is
» Elvis still alive? Maybe Dr. Lawrence Cutsinger is in fact Elvis Presley.
» Something to think about and possibly discuss further. :smiley:
Kramer you may be right.
According to Hangin (a.k.a. Sherlock Holmes) I and WidowsPeak are actually the same person.

I think Hangin Holmes has exposed us all as frauds.

Elvis if you are actually Dr. Cutsinger please reveal this master plan of deception before Hangin Holmes does. He already busted me.

Elvis…maybe you and Widows (a.k.a. Diamond Dave) can go on Oprah together.
I suggest you take Hangin Holmes with you to show the audience what happens if you continue to shampoo. Hangin is a good balding subject.
