Early Balding Risk Factor For Prostate Cancer

Anyone read this today? http://pagingdrgupta.blogs.cnn.com/2011/02/15/balding-in-20s-could-hint-at-prostate-cancer-later-in-life/?hpt=Sbin All the people who think baldness is just cosmetic should really think of it as just the cosmetic result of a lethal condition cause by DHT binding to Androgen receptors and get a drug to destroy the connection (at the receptor site) As we know there is such a drug in the pipeline ASCJ9 but it doesn’t explain why it wasn’t researched sooner or made a priority (just as with AIDS and other later stage cancer drugs) to get it to market.

oh great

as if being bald wasn’t enough of a pain, now we got to contend with increased risk of prostate cancer. god has really cursed the bald man.

ironically if true, treating our baldness with propecia/avodart may actually be beneficial in preventing prostate cancer.

» oh great
» as if being bald wasn’t enough of a pain, now we got to contend with
» increased risk of prostate cancer. god has really cursed the bald man.
» ironically if true, treating our baldness with propecia/avodart may
» actually be beneficial in preventing prostate cancer.

I’ve been on Avodart for several years now and have experienced none of the sides some who take it have.I have not lost any hair but just the same would like to get off it when ASCJ9 becomes available.Would be great if more companies took heart of this finding and either researched another “Avodart” but more effective-with fewer sides or another ASCJ9.Would be great if no young more young guys would lose their and no more older guys had to die from prostate cancer (the number one cancer killer of men I believe)

No new method of fixing our hair loss problems is gonna do anything to affect our rates of prostate cancer. The existing systemic DHT drugs help the prostate issues, but that idea has already been taken about as far as possible when it comes to hair gains.

If having early MPB suggests a greater prostate cancer risk, then our risk is gonna continue to be just as high after Histogen or Follica or ASC-J9 or any other new topical stuff that helps us fight it.

» If having early MPB suggests a greater prostate cancer risk, then our risk
» is gonna continue to be just as high after Histogen or Follica or ASC-J9 or
» any other new topical stuff that helps us fight it.

No it won’t because if DHT is the culprit, shutting off the supply of DHT via DHT blockers will reduce the chances of prostate cancer.

Incidentally, this was the conclusion of the very large scale study on proscar for prostate cancer if I recall correctly. The younger group which took proscar had a lower risk of prostate cancer. Ironically the older group which took proscar had a slighly higher rate of prostate cancer although the results were not statistically significant IIRC.

Probably have to dig up the paper to refresh my memory but DHT seems to do a bunch of bad things after the age of 18 other than just make us bald.

» » If having early MPB suggests a greater prostate cancer risk, then our
» risk
» » is gonna continue to be just as high after Histogen or Follica or ASC-J9
» or
» » any other new topical stuff that helps us fight it.
» No it won’t because if DHT is the culprit, shutting off the supply of DHT
» via DHT blockers will reduce the chances of prostate cancer.

No, he is right, learn to read : " … our risk is gonna continue to be just as high after Histogen or Follica or ASC-J9 or any other new TOPICAL stuff that helps us fight it "

That’s funny, all the older men I know who’ve had prostate cancer (and some who died from it, or complications) had full heads of hair, and none of the most bald men I know in that age group have had prostate cancer.

Supposedly there is a correlation between MPB and heart disease, though. Think Dick Cheney.

» Anyone read this today?
» http://pagingdrgupta.blogs.cnn.com/2011/02/15/balding-in-20s-could-hint-at-prostate-cancer-later-in-life/?hpt=Sbin
» All the people who think baldness is just cosmetic should really think
» of it as just the cosmetic result of a lethal condition cause by DHT
» binding to Androgen receptors and get a drug to destroy the connection (at
» the receptor site) As we know there is such a drug in the pipeline ASCJ9
» but it doesn’t explain why it wasn’t researched sooner or made a priority
» (just as with AIDS and other later stage cancer drugs) to get it to market.

@roger_that : ok that was funny :wink:

Its a stupid observation btw because a lot of people got cancer and prostate cancer is very common at men with certain ages. So all i learn here is to get a screening done from year to year :wink:

Those afraid of cancer could find interesting the following information:

A world without cancer: A world without cancer

The book “The cancer cure that worked”.

The story of Rick SimpsonRun from the cure

Dr. Simoncini cancer cure: Cancer is a fungus

Dr. Beck protocol: Dr. Beck

MMS: Jim Humble

H202 cures cancer: How to inhale h202


Do you get the idea? The cancer industry is the second more profitable so no official cure will be ever found. But there are plenty of non-patentable cures out there.

» That’s funny, all the older men I know who’ve had prostate cancer (and some
» who died from it, or complications) had full heads of hair, and none of the
» most bald men I know in that age group have had prostate cancer.
» Supposedly there is a correlation between MPB and heart disease, though.
» Think Dick Cheney.

I’m not sure your personal observations are representative, unless you know a few thousand men who have developed prostate cancer.

go shove your conspiracy theories up your äss… let me guess… the Jews are keeping the myth of cancer alive to earn money and go for world domination?

you obviously have no scientific background… I suggest you join a university and educate yourself scientifically, not through your conspiracy websites. You have some serious issues my friend.

» Those afraid of cancer could find interesting the following information:
» A world without cancer:
» A world
» without cancer

» The book “The cancer cure that worked”.
» The story of Rick
» SimpsonRun from the
» cure

» Dr. Simoncini cancer cure:
» Cancer
» is a fungus

» Dr. Beck protocol:
» Dr.
» Beck

» MMS: Jim Humble
» H202 cures cancer: How to
» inhale h202

» etc.
» Do you get the idea? The cancer industry is the second more profitable so
» no official cure will be ever found. But there are plenty of non-patentable
» cures out there.

» go shove your conspiracy theories up your äss… let me guess… the Jews are
» keeping the myth of cancer alive to earn money and go for world domination?
» you obviously have no scientific background… I suggest you join a university
» and educate yourself scientifically, not through your conspiracy websites. You » have some serious issues my friend.

I am sorry you are retarded. Why am I sure abuot that? Cause someone with 2 neurons would take a look at the information before giving such a strong opinion. Retarded people think they know about what they completely ignore.

For your information I am studying for my 4th university degree. My first university degree is chemistry (5 years degree).