Dr woods question

Hi dr woods.

just wondering on behalf of us aussies are you considering any of the new donor doubling or hair multiplications techniques or fue refinements that are being discussed elsewhere? Just curious if anyone in Australia will be offering such in the near future.

if some one is stating they can replicate organs…and the hair follicle is an organ in its own right…Cheney and Rumseldt will have you strapped to a gurney and asking some very serious questions. And world leaders would be watching in antis…ipation

Wake up.

Dr Ray Woods

interesting how you chose to simply dismiss the abundance of scientific evidence and publications on follicular regeneration and try to compare it to growing entire limbs and bodily organs in an attempt to ridicule the whole idea of regeneration.

[quote][postedby]Originally Posted by Dr. Woods[/postedby]
if some one is stating they can replicate organs…and the hair follicle is an organ in its own right…Cheney and Rumseldt will have you strapped to a gurney and asking some very serious questions. And world leaders would be watching in antis…ipation

Wake up.

Dr Ray Woods[/quote]

You should really get with the times. It is now Biden and Hagel. And they dont waterboard anymore as that takes too much time. They now use drones and just erradicate the potential threat and sweep it under the proverbial rug.