Dr. Woods - Chap, repair patient, 2500 Body Hair

Dr. Woods’ patient - Chap.

This patient had multiple plug strip procedures with little donor area left. Dr Ray Woods microsurgically implanted 2500 body hair to repair his hair line and infilled a scarred, atrophic middle region with excellent results.

click PLAY button to watch video.


Dr. Woods is the inventor and world’s pioneer in FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and BHT (Body Hair Transplant). He and his sister were the first in the world to offer FUE techniques on a routine basis to their patients. They had been using FUE for over a decade before the rest of the world finally realizes the merits of this technique. Till this date, their clinic is the only FUE exclusive clinic in the world that offers real time live camera display so that their patients can witness the whole process and verify the graft count themselves.

For more info and patient results, please go to www.woodstechnique.com.au

Is there no audio with this video? No doubt that this patient looks 100% better than he did before the procedure, but looks as though he needs another session for added density. Also, this patient should look into Dermatch, as that product would greatly enhance his existing hair and provide the illusion of complete coverage.