Dr. Wong 5162 Grafts/ One Session/ FUT/ 1 Year Post Op

This patient in his early 50’s from Vancouver first came to see Dr. Wong when he was 37. It took him well over a decade to finally have surgery. The transformation is quite remarkable and if you could see his face he almost looks in his 30’s again, ok 40’s :slight_smile:

With 5162 grafts ( 1307 single hair grafts, 3231 - double hair grafts, 624 - 3-4 hair grafts, strip size 33cm x 1.8cm) Dr. Wong was able to give essentially complete coverage. These photos were taken 1 year from his surgery.

Free consultations with Hasson & Wong representatives in the following locations.

Seattle March 3rd-12th, New York March 16th-20th, Miami March 28th-29th, Toronto March 21st-22nd, London March 13th, Manchester March 21st.