Dr. Wong/4658 Grafts/ 2 Sessions/1.5 Yrs./ Strip

This patient had two procedures with Dr. Wong to get his current result. The first session was 3241 grafts to thicken and reshape the hairline as well as fill in the crown with light coverage. The second session was a smaller session of 1417 grafts to add more density to the crown. The result shown is 1.5 years after his second session. Although the patient had the density and laxity for one session two sessions were used due to initial budgetary restrictions.

For the video…

Dr. Wong / Strip / 4658 Grafts / 2 sessions / 1.5 yrs.

or click PLAY button here


This must be bad hairdo week on hairsite. First it was Dr. Arvind and now we have Dr. Wong’s patient wearing something like a comb over.

» This must be bad hairdo week on hairsite. First it was Dr. Arvind and now
» we have Dr. Wong’s patient wearing something like a comb over.

Are we looking at the same pics? I don’t see a combover.

Same high standards as usual and good choce of design!

It would have been good to see intraoperatve pics to understand the HT. Did you go through the remaining frontal forlock and mid scalp?

» Same high standards as usual and good choce of design!
» It would have been good to see intraoperatve pics to understand the HT.
» Did you go through the remaining frontal forlock and mid scal

looks good, a bad hair day is always better than a no hair,

» » This must be bad hairdo week on hairsite. First it was Dr. Arvind and
» now
» » we have Dr. Wong’s patient wearing something like a comb over.
» Are we looking at the same pics? I don’t see a combover.

I think he was talking about the crown pic which does look a little like a comb over, well more like a combing forward. Is it possible that his hair is naturally forward pointing toward the nose?


There is no combover here. You seem to find combovers in a lot of posts, some warranted, some not so much. Whenever you see a guy on the steet with a younger hair style, brushed/spiked forward, it has to be done in the back too else you’ll have the hair going in two different directions. I guarantee you wouldn’t think “combover” if you saw this patient on the street.


“Is it possible that his hair is naturally forward pointing toward the nose?”

Part of the crown whorl naturally points toward the forehead in most any person on the planet.

» Reiner,
» There is no combover here. You seem to find combovers in a lot of posts,
» some warranted, some not so much. Whenever you see a guy on the steet with
» a younger hair style, brushed/spiked forward, it has to be done in the back
» too else you’ll have the hair going in two different directions. I
» guarantee you wouldn’t think “combover” if you saw this patient on the
» street.
» hair911,
» “Is it possible that his hair is naturally forward pointing toward the
» nose?”
» Part of the crown whorl naturally points toward the forehead in most any
» person on the planet.


Has he got any styling product in his hair please? It looks like he has.


Sorry, I missed your question. Yes, Dr. Wong placed grafts throughout the frontal and mid section as well as the crown. He wanted to bolster the areas with native hair in addition to the areas that had no hair.


Yes, he had product in his hair. Patients tend to start using products like this when their results grow in. They tend to want to capitalize on their new appearance as much as possible which I can certainly understand myself:)

» hair911,
» “Is it possible that his hair is naturally forward pointing toward the
» nose?”
» Part of the crown whorl naturally points toward the forehead in most any
» person on the planet.

I think you were combing his hair forward in the video(the shot with his head down) that’s why I think his hair looks odd.

Why is it that every Hasson and wong patient picture that i see always has a different lighter hair colour after the HT, is it as i suspect, to lighten the hair colour so as there is less contrast between the hair and the scalp and making it appear more natural.

Not every patient gets their hair lightened and this patient did not as either. Sometimes, the difference is only due to the fact that the before pic may have been taken with our old 35mm Pentax with a flash then the after without flash and digital. The flash would make the before pic seem darker but this patient may only have a few hairs that are lighter because he could have gotten a bit more gray.

So you are saying this could have been done in 1 session?

» So you are saying this could have been done in 1 session?

Absolutely it could have.

» So you are saying this could have been done in 1 session?

Be careful. I don’t want to name names but some doctors call it 1 session even though the procedure was carried out over a number of days. That is not very honest in my opinion. 1 session should be 1 sitting at the clinic.

» » So you are saying this could have been done in 1 session?
» Be careful. I don’t want to name names but some doctors call it 1 session
» even though the procedure was carried out over a number of days. That is
» not very honest in my opinion. 1 session should be 1 sitting at the
» clinic.

» » » So you are saying this could have been done in 1 session?
» »
» » Be careful. I don’t want to name names but some doctors call it 1
» session
» » even though the procedure was carried out over a number of days. That
» is
» » not very honest in my opinion. 1 session should be 1 sitting at the
» » clinic.

Look at the before and after photos more closely. The transplanted hairs looks weired… like your nose hairs…very straight, rough and hard…also observe the color…the transplanted hairs looks more grayed as compared with the before photos…the crown is not at all artistic…looks very abrupt and the hairs are pulled froward to hide the balding crown and top…No bad words about Dr. Wong but I am not impressed with this result…??

Guys what is your opinion about this case and overall the color and texture of the transplanted hairs???

» Look at the before and after photos more closely. The transplanted hairs
» looks weired… like your nose hairs…very straight, rough and hard…also
» observe the color…the transplanted hairs looks more grayed as compared
» with the before photos…the crown is not at all artistic…looks very abrupt
» and the hairs are pulled froward to hide the balding crown and top…No bad
» words about Dr. Wong but I am not impressed with this result…??
» Guys what is your opinion about this case and overall the color and
» texture of the transplanted hairs???

Did you check out the video? It looks fine to me.

As good as it already looks, IMO the final result really cries out for reconstructing the temple points now.