Dr.U Helps Teen With Congenital Defect Acquire A Brand New Eyebrow And Beard Growth

Dr.U accepted this teenager as a pro bono hair transplant patient through his volunteer organization, The Hair Peace Foundation. The young man was born with a dark-colored congenital nevus on the right side of his face. Surgeons replaced it with skin grafts taken from the neck and forehead. However, this also caused the loss of eyebrow and beard hair growth on the right side of the face. Dr.U reconstructed these features through a highly specialized hair transplant surgery using his Dr.UGraft ™ Intuitive FUE technology. The engineering of his device has been designed to overcome any type of skin thickness in order to safely harvest viable hair follicle grafts.

Since this patient’s existing eyebrow and beard growth showed finer caliber hair, it was essential to select donor grafts representing comparable hair thickness. Dr.U extracted hair follicles from the nape and leg to reproduce a natural looking result which closely resembled the left side of the patient’s face.


Here is a view of left side beard modification with a peak to match the facial reconstruction goals on the right side of the face

Leg healing results of donor areas

Dr.U’s FUE Shave Test shows uniform hair distribution which qualified the patient for the use of nape hair

That is probably the most natural eyebrow transplant I have seen! I am happy for the patient.

Thank you, diffuse!

Good job doctor giving this guy a normal life again.

:+1::+1::+1: happy for him