Dr. Nigam\'s 2nd case study pics of 2013 Hair doubling with stemcells /dp cells

Hair Regeneration from bisected hair follicles in vitro with progenerator epithelial stem cells and isolated DP cells: Rate of success and character of bisected hairs.


In Vitro bisection of hair follicle has been reported before by Reynolds, et. al. by ERGIN ER, et. Al. Marco Toscani, et. Al. But we are the first to attempt addition of progenrator stem cells from mid-follicle bulge, outer root sheath, derma sheath, derma papilla and isolated DP cells with human extra cellular matrix.

Human Hair Follicle Regeneration from the Amputation and Grafting into the Nude Mouse

Colin A.B. Jahoda,* Roy F. Oliver Amanda J. Reynolds, et. al.

In this study we are investigating the capacity of bisected Derma Papilla Follicle with additional follicle with additional bulge stem cells, outer root sheath stem cells. We are also investigating the capacity of bisected upper hair follicle with limited derma papilla cells and complete outer root sheath & bisected stem cells to re-grow the complete derma papilla. We are also investigating the diameter & rate of hair growth and will check whether the injured hair follicle will go into the regression phase or no if not when, as against the traditional FUT & FUE graft transplantation.
We are hoping that on getting together the derma papilla and bisected stem cell, the de-novo communication and talk between them should start as in embryonic stage, new hair follicle should form one or more than one hair follicle with the same diameter and growth. The key event in the process of formation of new derma papilla from the bisected derma papilla, this has been already proven in mouse by Jahoda et al, 1992; Oliver, 1966b).

To evaluate bisected follicle’s percentage re-growth rate, diameter & length in hair regeneration with donor scalp and / or body hair.

10 patients will undergo Hair Doubling TM procedure ranging from 5 speciens follicles to 2000 follicular unit. Specimen hair follicles will be extracted from FUE 0.7 / 0.8 mm punch. Bisection of each follicle will be done at the level of Derma Papilla obliquely and both the bisected parts of the follicle will be implanted back to the recipient scalp in few studies and in one study one bisected back to the donor area and other part implanted into the recipient area. Activated stem cells CD200, CD34, K19, derma sheath cells, outer root sheath cells, derma papilla cells will be injected into the both the bisected part of the follicle with isolated derma papilla cells.

Will be submitted at the end of 10 case studies.

Will be submitted at the end of the 10 case studies.

The author has no significant interest with commercial supporters and has approval from independent institutional committee on stem cells research & therapy and independent ethic committee on stem cells research & therapy.
The hair follicle tissue used for study is derived from donor and who have signed informed consent with outline of detail of the procedure and purpose. The “Human Tissue Act” Published in 2004, “The Declaration of Helsinki” & “The Convention Of Human Rights & Biomedicine” guidelines has been followed.

Total 10 patients were selected, 8 men and 2 women who have enrolled. Different numbers of follicles will be taken were taken from different donors including donor area from the body and from the back of the scalp and obliquely bisected follicle will be implanted into the recipient area and in one case studies, one part of the bisected follicle will be implanted on the recipient are and the other part of the bisected follicle will be implanted back into the donor area of the scalp.

Specimen of hair follicle were obtained from FUE 0.7 mm punch for scoring and 0.9 mm punch for extraction of follicle / follicle needles from body (chest, arms, legs & back) and from back of the scalp in different 10 cases studies. The department of the extraction went up to the level of dermis subcut junction. Isolated Derma Papilla cell will be injected into the epidermis & dermis junction. The donor area were trimmed for extraction and for body hair extraction the patient were asked to shave the body and only Anagen growing hair follicle were taken. In the recipient area incisions were made 4 to 5 hrs before the implantation of the follicles which is called premade incision technique with 0.7 mm blade in coronal and triangular pattern.

All the procedures will be standardized by cutting all the follicles and follicular units below the line of Auber at the level of Derma Papilla.
The two portions will be implanted in androgenic alopecia bald area choosing right upper or left lower of selected marker such as tattoo, scar, mole, distance from hairline, top of the ear lobule, mid-vertex point, occipital protuberance, etc. Percentage of pre-existing terminal hair and vellus hair photographs will be taken from Cannon DSRL camera with Macro Lense and will be counted with video-scope and will be marked as dark blue and light blue in the follow up study. The Percentage of growing bisected hair follicle will be marked as Red Circle with numeric numbers. Percentage of not growing bisected hair follicles will be marked at Green circle with numeric number. 12 months follow-up is planned on these 10 case studies. Diameter of 10 Terminal Hair Follicle and Vellus Hair Follicle and bisected growing Hair Follicle will be measured in micron. Growing length will be measured in millimeter.

The results will be submitted at the end of the case studies.
First case studies of 2013 on hair doubling has already shown the generation of 13 follicles from 4.5 follicles on the recipient area from 24 years male donor with good rate of growth exact growth rate will be mentioned subsequently as the data comes.
Preliminary results of first case study shows growth of of 13 follicle from 4.5 follicles on the recipient area and day 0 and day 1 growth showing intact double follicles from 482 single graft that is 964 bisected single follicles.

Table 1: Hair Regeneration in 10 patients undergoing
Mean percentage +/- Standard Deviation
1 month, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months
Upper follicle –
Lower follicle –
Donor area follicle –

As the study of the bisected hair follicle will be conducted by the extraction from the recipient area, to study the character of the bisected hair follicle under different parameters, will be detail out later.

Table 2: Caliber of hair regenerated after bisection procedure
Donor Hair Caliber, Mean Percentage +/- Standard Deviation
Entire follicle
Upper follicle
Lower follicle
Donor area follicle

Published and unpublished paper referred will be mentioned at the end of the study which are in public domain and others were purchased.



How do these images match up?

The Day 0 and Day 1 images don’t even seem to be showing the same area?!? How is this supposed to tell us anything if you are not photographing the same area?

» http://www.drnigams.net/images/cell_bobilli_1.png
» http://www.drnigams.net/images/cell_bobilli_2.png
» http://www.drnigams.net/images/cell_bobilli_3.png
» http://www.drnigams.net/images/cell_bobilli_4.png

What type of microscope do you use to separate out the stem cells? How long does it take to remove them?

I don’t understand how Day 0 and Day 1 pictures match up. Some circles are not at the same distance from one another. That means the camera was not at the same distance or the hairs were misidentified.

With so many circles, it kind of looks like a game of “Bald Bingo” :expressionless:

This is part the documentation process that Dr. Nigam needs to get up to speed on. That and the website. Before you publish your paper Dr. Nigam, make sure the documentation is straight or else your paper will get rejected if its sent to a reputable journal.

Dr nigam, thanks for the study update and the pictures but…

you definately need to take the photos from the exact same position and area. Its too hard for us to match up the pictures. both photos should be identical area on the scalp and taken from the exact same position from the camera.

Look forward to seeing more.

This is a NW6 patient,with few countable long hair at hair line with blue circles.Bisected small hair with red circle.
I have not put a tattoo,as this is big time journalist of Times group.
In this case study you can only follow the new terminal bisected hair with recipient incision marks,which may also vanish in 10 days.
The long hair marked dark blue circle are existing terminal long hair,and light blue circles are existing villous hair.
All other small sproutimg hair are implanted bisected hair at recipient.
Recipient bisected hair were also injected after implantation with activated stemcells and isolated non cultured dp cells.
The diameetre of videoscope is 4.6cms,when i upload videoscope pics on laptop i will let you know how many such boxes will be required to cover the total bisected single follicles.
All these bisected follicles will be numbered in a day or two on ly than you will be able to compare.But at this point short small bisected hair are seen growing and long blue circled existing hair are seen.Same areas will be posted after two days as the web guy is numbering them ,it takes time to put numbers 1 to 600plus for every day pics.
» How do these images match up?
» The Day 0 and Day 1 images don’t even seem to be showing the same area?!?
» How is this supposed to tell us anything if you are not photographing the
» same area?
» » http://www.drnigams.net/images/cell_bobilli_1.png
» » http://www.drnigams.net/images/cell_bobilli_2.png
» » http://www.drnigams.net/images/cell_bobilli_3.png
» » http://www.drnigams.net/images/cell_bobilli_4.png
» »
» »
» »
» »
» »

Dear Doctor Nigam,

This is ok, however I think most of people want to see the results. I mean results of the entire head and with several good and realistic photos.

If I were to pay this quantity of money, I would like to see what can I expect from the technique.

For example I am a NW4. Maybe in the next future I decide to go India, but of course not if I can not see what can you do. Perhaps its safer to pay a hair transplant with a good doctor from my country.

Greetings and thanks!!

» Dr nigam, thanks for the study update and the pictures but…
» you definately need to take the photos from the exact same position and
» area. Its too hard for us to match up the pictures. both photos should be
» identical area on the scalp and taken from the exact same position from the
» camera.
» Look forward to seeing more.

Dear Dr Nigam,

kindly take a look at the images taken by the forum member gc83uk. He photographed a much larger area of his head. If the resolution is high enough then an evaluation is easily possible. I recommend using a tripod and have the patient sit in the same position each time. This ultra-macroscopic pictures do not show us what exactly is being photographed. If you provide images on this forum I am even certain that forum members would gladly assist in the evaluation.


Maximo,i agree what you say,wait there are more pics to come of this study by next week ,my web guy is numbering them,when the patient comes tomorrow more clear pics will be taken,this is a VIP patient not very cooperative with giving pics.At present you can only see small bisected follicles growing at recipient marked with red circle .TMR i will post larger view pictures.

,» Dear Doctor Nigam,
» This is ok, however I think most of people want to see the results. I mean
» results of the entire head and with several good and realistic photos.
» If I were to pay this quantity of money, I would like to see what can I
» expect from the technique.
» For example I am a NW4. Maybe in the next future I decide to go India, but
» of course not if I can not see what can you do. Perhaps its safer to pay a
» hair transplant with a good doctor from my country.
» Greetings and thanks!!

Dr nigam’s reviews


Old news atton,
It is common practice in my city for competitors to post if they are unable to compete technically.
None of them have mentioned the real names,and even i gave my mail id to contact ,they never contacted.
None of them is my patient and i have replied to them ,4 posts on internet in 14years of practice and that too by them who are neither our patient nor have met us.

I am NW2 patient (20 yrs old) and I wish to take your procedure for hair restoration. I will be visiting Mumbai in March to get myself checked up by you. Can you please let me know when can I meet you? I am a Computers student from IIT and can help you in developing his website without any cost if I like your procedure. I wish to take direct consultation from you and not any intermediate doctors who respond to my calls and always tell me that you are busy.

Doctor if I understand you have good intentions but you lack the occidental precision for to make the report.
Why does not you assume any European or American assistant in your regular team for communication and you takes only care of the medical side ?

You can contact me directly dr.rahul1970@gmail.com with your pics of donor scalp,front,top and side view (close up).
We will be in touch directly.

» Hullo,
» I am NW2 patient (20 yrs old) and I wish to take your procedure for
» hair restoration. I will be visiting Mumbai in March to get myself checked
» up by you. Can you please let me know when can I meet you? I am a Computers
» student from IIT and can help you in developing his website without any
» cost if I like your procedure. I wish to take direct consultation from you
» and not any intermediate doctors who respond to my calls and always tell me
» that you are busy.

Noyznarcos,i have this position of a technical biotech assitant and webdeveloper open and vacant ,i am more than willing for anyone with good knowledge to come forward on a pay roll or consultancy,from the forum or outside.

» Doctor if I understand you have good intentions but you lack the occidental
» precision for to make the report.
» Why does not you assume any European or American assistant in your regular
» team for communication and you takes only care of the medical side ?

Dear Dr Nigam,

I think it’s great what you are attempting with Hair Doubling, but unfortunately, the photographs you have provided do not show you have made any progress.

The problem is that your Before and After photos do not seem to match up. The tatoos are not identical or in the same place.

What we need to see are two photos of exactly the SAME position on the scalp (including camera angle and lighting) - with the After photo showing more hairs than the Before one.

Or even better, a before and after shot of the whole scalp.

Without this photographic evidence, it will be difficult for many people to accept your claims - because many of us have been on these forums a long, long time - and we have heard it all before.

I wish you well.

» Or even better, a before and after shot of the whole scalp.

The simple proof is turning five guys from NW6 into a NW2 with documented before-after pictures. This is the gold standard against which any claims of a cure has to be tested.

All the rest to me is irrelavant. I really don’t care about seeing individual hair follicles with circles around them. I just want to see the above and that’s all I need to be convinced.

But there is not ONE person in all of history, including Dr. Nigam, who has demonstrated this. Not one.

Until there is, there is no proof of any cure.

» The simple proof is turning five guys from NW6 into a NW2 with
» documented before-after pictures. This is the gold standard against which
» any claims of a cure has to be tested.

yes it must be exactly five. No more, no less. This is very important.

Dr. Nigam should pay close attention to how rude you are because if he does any business with you it’s just a matter of time until you turn on him and slander him all over the internet.

dr nigam

how is your second case study going ?

will you be posting follow up pictures ?

how will you demonstrate which follicles have grown ?

how about some of the other case studies you commenced two months ago ? the guy that had some follicles implanted around the temple ?