Dr. Mwamba - WHTC - Triangular Alopecia

Triangular alopecia is a condition that results in hair loss near one or both temples. The temporal patches can range from a complete lack of follicles to a small amount of miniaturized hairs. The loss can be present at birth or begin in childhood. The cause is unknown, but believed to be genetic. Triangular alopecia is a permanent hair loss, but can be successfully treated with hair transplant surgery.

For more pictures of triangular alopecia, follow this link: http://www.dermatlas.com/derm/result.cfm?Diagnosis=-661962539

The pictures below depict a recent surgical restoration by Dr. Mwamba of WHTC in Belgium. This patient has triangular alopecia that has been present since birth.

The magnified pictures show a few miniaturized hairs in the otherwise bald area. Miniaturized hairs are of fine caliber and usually colorless. Also note the direction of the hair growth.

Dr. Mwamba used approximately 600 grafts to fill in the areas of loss. Great care was taken to mimic the natural angulation of each hair. Knowledge of the typical angulation in the temples is paired with observation of the angles in the neighboring areas of hair to obtain the best result. Single hairs were used to reconstruct the detailed temporal hair line.

Dr. Mwamba chose the FIT method to harvest individual follicular units from the donor area to minimize scarring. The pictures below display the healing of the harvested area only 24 hours after surgery.

World Hair Transplant Center (WHTC)
Office of Dr. Patrick Mwamba

I have never heard of anything like this before. Have you seen more than 1 patients with triangular alopecia?

» I have never heard of anything like this before. Have you seen more than 1
» patients with triangular alopecia?

It is an interesting case. While most hair loss is due to androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness), there are several other causes. Fortunately, triangular alopecia is a rare condition. We have seen only a few patients with this pattern. Proper diagnosis of the cause of hair loss is important because some types of loss do not respond to transplantation.

For example, alopecia areata can look very similar to triangular alopecia. But in some cases of alopecia areata, the body’s immune system will attack the transplanted hairs making the transplant unsuccessful. A good diagnosis during consultation can prevent this from happening.

Triangular alopecia is rare, but excellent placement and fast donor healing applies to any case.

» » I have never heard of anything like this before. Have you seen more than
» 1
» » patients with triangular alopecia?
» It is an interesting case. While most hair loss is due to androgenic
» alopecia (male pattern baldness), there are several other causes.
» Fortunately, triangular alopecia is a rare condition. We have seen only a
» few patients with this pattern. Proper diagnosis of the cause of hair loss
» is important because some types of loss do not respond to transplantation.
» For example, alopecia areata can look very similar to triangular alopecia.
» But in some cases of alopecia areata, the body’s immune system will attack
» the transplanted hairs making the transplant unsuccessful. A good
» diagnosis during consultation can prevent this from happening.
what is the difference between alopeica areata and triangular alopecia.
what do you mean by a good diagnosis during consultation?

» what is the difference between alopeica areata and triangular alopecia.
» what do you mean by a good diagnosis during consultation?

Alopecia areata is typically a small patch of hair loss caused by an autoimmune disorder. The body attacks its own hair follicles, especially in times of stress.

Diagnosis is important because the body can also attack the transplanted hair follicles.

Although the appearance can be similar, this differs from Triangular alopecia. Triangular alopecia is where the body did not form - or did not fully form - the hair follicles in a small area. This condition does not carry the same risk of the transplanted hair failing.

If the doctor is able to recognize which condition is causing the problem, he/she will be able to tell if hair transplant will likely be the solution.