Dr Klein

let me just advise you all before you go to dr klein or any other doctor wishing to conduct trials of their products of whatever sort. he tried one of his potions on me. he failed to advise me that he was ‘tattooing’ me with a small, albeit now visible, blue bit of ink for him to count hairs.

whether that is customary or not i wouldve like to have known that as my hair thinned i would have a blue ink circle type freckle on my crown where he marked me without telling me first

» let me just advise you all before you go to dr klein or any other doctor
» wishing to conduct trials of their products of whatever sort. he tried one
» of his potions on me. he failed to advise me that he was ‘tattooing’ me
» with a small, albeit now visible, blue bit of ink for him to count hairs.
» whether that is customary or not i wouldve like to have known that as my
» hair thinned i would have a blue ink circle type freckle on my crown where
» he marked me without telling me first

I think this is the norn.Intercytex do the same,but they do tell you in their patient information sheet.

At the point they got tattoo gun or needle out,wasn’t you awake!