Dr Hitzig Acell Video 30 Minutes

» http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mru3Rwj9w1U

Where are the photos of the nurse with “150 new hairs” in each corner of her scalp? Where are the photos of the accountant with “150 new hairs” growing in the crown?

Where are the photos, in general, to back all of this up?

And why is he focusing on these “worst case scenarios”?

Can he rebuild hairlines? Where are the photos of that???

Dr. Hitzig is making a lot of claims here, and he sounds sincere. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt.

But he is making a lot of claims, and has very few photos to prove any of this. And the photos I have seen are less than impressive.

I pushed this stuff a few years back. I had/have hope that this stuff will provide a limitless donor supply, but, I AGREE…LET’S SEE SOME PICS OF FULL HEADS OF HAIR! It’s been almost 3 years! I’ve lost some hope because, if it worked liked I hoped, why aren’t all of the docs jumping on this stuff? I haven’t lost all hope, but I want to SEE results!

» http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mru3Rwj9w1U

Interesting video, Prasad (guy on the right) is selling very hard but you would expect that.

I would agree with the comments above, considering how great it is apparently going the results seem to be absent, the PRP-ACell result I did see was very weak/non-existent in my opinion.

I was also disappointed that Auto-Cloning wasn’t even mentioned - that is a big hope with Acell.

Dr Gho is not really delivering documented results either but at least he is claiming that HST already works.

» I was also disappointed that Auto-Cloning wasn’t even mentioned - that is a
» big hope with Acell.
» Dr Gho is not really delivering documented results either but at least he
» is claiming that HST already works.

Dr. Gho hasn’t the time to document meticulously every patient results in any (s…) hair loss boards - they are too busy with multiplying hairs every day. Maybe the latter is the reason why he prefers to treat lots of celebreties - because they are “the living documentation” and hope for thousands of other baldies.

» » I was also disappointed that Auto-Cloning wasn’t even mentioned - that is
» a
» » big hope with Acell.
» »
» » Dr Gho is not really delivering documented results either but at least
» he
» » is claiming that HST already works.
» Dr. Gho hasn’t the time to document meticulously every patient results in
» any (s…) hair loss boards - they are too busy with multiplying hairs
» every day. Maybe the latter is the reason why he prefers to treat lots of
» celebreties - because they are “the living documentation” and hope for
» thousands of other baldies.

  1. If al hairlos boards are crap, why are you still here?

  2. Maybe? Maybe Pigs will fly

» http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mru3Rwj9w1U

What is Amiya Prasad’s reputation? I’m pretty certain he’s not going to be partnering up with a liar without doing his own due diligence. There are a number of claims being made by Dr. Hitzig, and Dr. Prasad is backing them up.

I personally believe Dr. Hitzig, but for a moment let’s objectively take a look at how his reputation is currently developing in the hair loss community. Let’s also not ignore that Dr. Cooley has done his own investigation and has put his reputation on the line.

I do want to say that this board has a ton of intelligent people posting (this is of course ignoring the personal slams). However, not a single one of us (as far as we know) is an actual doctor. But we do have three docs telling us that there is real potential here and in this video outright saying that this is pretty much the treatment we are looking for.

Any thoughts?

(BTW, Iron_Man and Stevie.Dee/Leeroy.Jenkings — I’ve found both of your posts to actually be the best lately; I’m looking for your individual thoughts on this, please refrain from attacking one another. PLEASE!)

» I personally believe Dr. Hitzig, but for a moment let’s objectively take a
» look at how his reputation is currently developing in the hair loss
» community. Let’s also not ignore that Dr. Cooley has done his own
» investigation and has put his reputation on the line.

… and he is pretty silent since his EXTREME failure with ACell:

Cooley & ACell did more harm, than did ANYTHING good (horror scars and no growth of any plucked and transplanted hair).

I guess you guys can remember what happened with this patient, who openly reported his case on TBT some month ago. And I guess there are far more patients out there, who are pretty silent about such failures too. Anyway, it happened exactly (and IS still happening) what I predicted what WILL happen (completely mixed results) in this field with ACell, if physicians just “play & hype” with ACell.

Furthermore, I asked in another thread, WHY Dr. Cooley doesn’t offer ACell/PRP injections …

Currently, the ONLY guy I trust with ACell and JUST concerning scar repairs, is - Dr. Hitzig.

» 1) If al hairlos boards are crap, why are you still here?

To tell you user as a user (and not physician or clinic owner) that you’re a stupid useless psycho pussy?

You are such a lousy as* first you say “I only trust Hitzig and Cooley” and now you back peddle.

You are ridiculous and dont have any ideas. Where is your proof your Cooley to completely fail.

And giess what everyone can predict MIXED results. You are in fact the worst and cheapest Attention whore around here

Also you are such a hippocrite and liar. If no patient talks about Gho its acording to you because

“They are so happy and dont give a sh*t about hairloss boards”

But if people are silent about other docs its according to you because

“Their experiment failed so hard”

» » I personally believe Dr. Hitzig, but for a moment let’s objectively take
» a
» » look at how his reputation is currently developing in the hair loss
» » community. Let’s also not ignore that Dr.
» Cooley
has done his own
» » investigation and has put his reputation on the line.
» … and he is pretty silent since his EXTREME failure with ACell:
» Cooley & ACell did more harm, than did ANYTHING good (horror scars and no
» growth of any plucked and transplanted hair).
» I guess you guys can remember what happened with this patient, who openly
» reported his case on TBT some month ago. And I guess there are far more
» patients out there, who are pretty silent about such failures too. Anyway,
» it happened exactly (and IS still happening) what
» I
» predicted what WILL happen
(completely mixed results) in this field
» with ACell, if physicians just “play & hype” with ACell.
» Furthermore, I asked in another thread, WHY Dr. Cooley doesn’t offer
» ACell/PRP injections …
» Currently, the ONLY guy I trust with ACell and JUST concerning scar
» repairs
, is - Dr. Hitzig.

What about Dr. Prasad? He seems very reputable himself. He wouldn’t be partnering with somebody unless he himself believed in the results.

“What about Dr. Prasad? He seems very reputable himself.”

Why do you say this Streo ? In the video the only thing I see is that he is a decent presenter and a slick salesman. I particularly like the bit where he emphasises that nobody except Dr Hitzig can use ACell properly :slight_smile: