Dr. Erdogan Koray ASMED CLINIC: 8000 grafts

Hello everyone,

I would like to explain my transplant with the Asmed clinic and some details on the operation:

I got operated with Dr. Koray in 2013 and 4000 grafts were extracted. My operation was satisfactory then, apart from the design of the hairline not very natural to me, but otherwise there was a good regrowth.
In August 2019 I decided to go back to Koray for a little touch-up in the crown, which in my opinion was still empty. After sending some pictures to the clinic, we decided by email for 2000 max 2500 grafts.
When the doctor saw me in person he immediately decided that he wanted to put 4000 grafts and not 2000 as we had established. I honestly remained a little puzzled by this choice, it seemed to me too much for my donor. At last during the vist we found an agreement of 3000 grafts. Immediately after the visit was over with the Doctor, Alessio the italian consultant privately told me that Koray wanted to propose me a discount if i agreed to extract 4000 grafts. But still i wasn’t sure about it because anyway i would had to pay more then what was established and i repeat i was worried about a heavy post-surgery and for my donor. The doctor came to me after this new proposal and told me to not worry that it would have been perfect!

At last the discount offered to me and the insistent reassurances of the doctor that my donor could handle another 4000 grafts without any problem were very convincing, they also told me that in short time I would be all right. In my head there could be no margins of errors if the Doctor was so convinced to insist on this amount!
So I decided to trust the doctor and go for 4000 grafts.

After 6 months my donor result overharvested, with evident holes. The doctor hasn’t been able to calculate well capacity of my donor. His theory about coverage value which he spread all around the world didn’t work, plus assistant did a very bad job because they didn’t maintain the homogeneity of the donor, leaving parts with more hair and others with less. I will show some pictures so you can understand better what had happened.




1st MONTH:



Does look over harvested. I’m wondering how the area where the grafts were placed turned out.

If you got the bucks, you can use beard hair to replenish your over harvested areas. Good luck.

if you want to see my video about my surgery, you can see it here:

I’m at 8 months from surgery, my donor is exactly in the same condition as in the first months. Please I ask people to stop saying there is shock loss, is just misleading the authenticity of what has really happaned and justify the mistake of the clinic.You have to understand that 8000 grafts have been extracted from my donor, and my donor didn’t have this capacity. Doctor made a wrong evaluation and an unreasonable mistake. The donor has been over harvested there’s no shock loss.

Ok, Best of luck @dust78

To me it seems like the doc has transplanted too many in a single session in which case shock loss seems like the likely result.

Ok I will check this youtube show


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Doctor simply made a very bad evaluation of my donor and didn’t supervise the work of assistants during extraction of grafts. Assistants probably didnt have a lot of experience, and the proof is that my donor not only has no density but lack of homogeneity. There are parts with less hair and others with more. Overall is a terrible job from the clinic. And there s no shockloss, believe me.

I am very sorry to see this. However, I have seen many cases much worse than this, so there is hope. How is your body hair? I know doctors can use body hair, beard hair and pubic hair. Also from armpit. The hair from these areas are good for fixing depleted donor, and the empty areas.