Dr. Epstein: strip hair transplant, 4400 grafts, Norwood 6

Strip hair transplant procedure
4400 grafts,
Norwood 6










For more details about Dr. Epstein’s work and more patient before and after photos, go to

www.foundhair.com Jeffrey Epstein, MD, FACS,
Foundation for Hair Restoration
Board certified: Hair Restoration Surgery; Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,

email: jsemd@fhrps.com
Toll free: 1-800-370-2883

No offense but this does not come close to what Hasson and Wong can do for Norwood 6s with about the same number of grafts.

» No offense but this does not come close to what Hasson and Wong can do for
» Norwood 6s with about the same number of grafts.

i have to agree the result isnt that good for that amount of grafts!

Not sure what look the patient was going for, but not a favorable result.

» No offense but this does not come close to what Hasson and Wong can do for
» Norwood 6s with about the same number of grafts.

That is a good question. Every patient has certain characteristics based upon donor density, scalp color, and more. In this patient, despite his Class 6 to almost 7 hair loss pattern, he had quite a few single and two hair grafts, making it more difficult to achieve great density, while maintaining naturalness.

Please realize- this patient’s head was NOT shaved prior to his preop photo, so he truly had no hair. Also, I have to disagree with you- 4400 grafts to cover an area approximately 70cm square in size is around 50 grafts per square cm- a very nice result. I think that equals the best results out there. Not sure where you saw any significantly thicker outcomes in a patient who had the same number of grafts and a Class 6/7 pattern, with as natural a hairline and as nice an overall improvement in appearance. Obtaining more grafts from this patient would simply have not been possible without risking giving him a donor site scar.

» » No offense but this does not come close to what Hasson and Wong can do
» for
» » Norwood 6s with about the same number of grafts.
» That is a good question. Every patient has certain characteristics based
» upon donor density, scalp color, and more. In this patient, despite his
» Class 6 to almost 7 hair loss pattern, he had quite a few single and two
» hair grafts, making it more difficult to achieve great density, while
» maintaining naturalness.
» Please realize- this patient’s head was NOT shaved prior to his preop
» photo, so he truly had no hair. Also, I have to disagree with you- 4400
» grafts to cover an area approximately 70cm square in size is around 50
» grafts per square cm- a very nice result. I think that equals the best
» results out there. Not sure where you saw any significantly thicker
» outcomes in a patient who had the same number of grafts and a Class 6/7
» pattern, with as natural a hairline and as nice an overall improvement in
» appearance. Obtaining more grafts from this patient would simply have not
» been possible without risking giving him a donor site scar.

His hair was not shaved, so what? Why didn’t you include pics of the top, at a 90 degree angle and the back showing his full NW6 area of loss? At best there is a slight tilt down angle. Showing the hairline and front on a class 6 isn’t showing the result of a class 6. It’s showing some frontal work and leaving the rest up to guesswork.

» His hair was not shaved, so what? Why didn’t you include pics of the top,
» at a 90 degree angle and the back showing his full NW6 area of loss? At
» best there is a slight tilt down angle. Showing the hairline and front on a
» class 6 isn’t showing the result of a class 6. It’s showing some frontal
» work and leaving the rest up to guesswork.

Dear Beener,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. While we cannot always see eye to eye with every patient, we do appreciate feedback, listen, and always strive for the finest in results and patient care.

With that said, a few key points:

  • 4400 grafts in some patients is 6,000 hairs, in others 10,000 hairs - grafts do not necessarily tell you how much hair is placed. This can be an increase of more than 65%.

-Furthermore, there are many other variables that affect the final appearance of density, including but not limited to the total area covered, the color contrast between hair and scalp, the angulation and patterning of the hairs, and the caliber of the hairs.

-These photos are not just showing the front and hairline (in my opinion, the single most important view for it shows whether or not the restoration is natural in appearance), but also of a 40 to 45 degree tilt. I’m sorry if you don’t view these results favorably, but everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, plus these are just one example of thousands of my before and after photos that you can check out on my website, www.foundhair.com. I have perhaps more before and after results than almost any site in the world.

My objective in what I do is to provide the very best hair restoration procedure given a patient’s goal and available donor hairs, and if I make my patient happy and feel in my heart that I achieved the best result possible, then I have succeeded . While I hope to make even online reviewers and peers impressed with my results, this is not all-important. I have learned I cannot keep every third party “critic” is satisfied- although you are certainly entitled to your opinion, and to voice it publicly if you feel so.

Again, thank you for your feedback and we will continue to work hard to make improvements and strive for only the finest as we have for the past 19 years and over 10,000 patients.

Really though he still needs more hair. Why would any person go with strip

when FUE done properly is superior. I have had strip, Punch Graft and FUE.

Fue is the only way I would recommend to go in 2012. The Doctor has a more

difficult day in performing this surgery but strip is unacceptable in today’s

world. If he is happy good for him but I would want more and complain that

this is an incomplete result. IMO.