Dr Cole\'s thoughts on HST!

I thought I would create a own thread for Dr. Cole’s thought regarding Gho’s HST. If Dr. Cole find HST to be as promising as Gho claims, then all of us with a good thick donor, will be cured. I find Cole’s opinons to have a great deal of impact on my own toughts on HST, because he is intelligent, experienced, a visionar and open-minded. So, please post everything related to Dr. Cole and the HST here!

» I thought I would create a own thread for Dr. Cole’s thought regarding
» Gho’s HST. If Dr. Cole find HST to be as promising as Gho claims, then all
» of us with a good thick donor, will be cured. I find Cole’s opinons to have
» a great deal of impact on my own toughts on HST, because he is intelligent,
» experienced, a visionar and open-minded. So, please post everything related
» to Dr. Cole and the HST here!

Looks like Dr. Cole is trying to get in contact with HASCI:

“As far as know our office tried to contact Dr. Gho but he’s been on vacation. We’ll follow up as quickly as possible. Maybe Dr. Cole will go early in August if ok with Dr. Gho.”


Great news. Hope it all works out. :slight_smile:

Thats sooner then i expected it to happen :slight_smile:

» Thats sooner then i expected it to happen :slight_smile:

So far - at least a lot of blah blah blah …

Benefit of the doubt i say. He did say things about Acell publically and he tried it while other clinics well…kept on cutting heads open. And this time he publically talked about Gho in a positive way so i say we should as least have the decency to give Dr Cole the benefit of the doubt if he will go through with getting in touch with Gho.

If i can recall it right, Cole seems to have the best starting options from all FUE docs out there to get into HST ore easily, especially when HSt can be done with a let me be careful here “machine” rather then manual.

And to be fair i wouldnt trust anyone else then Cole in this subject. Thats btw something the clinics feared the most because i recently read and saw in a german forum that they buried all threads where Cole was even mentioned talking positive about Gho, those threads have been buried so fast it was amazing. And even you get banned at this dutch website for quoting Cole

Sounds ominous. I do remember Gho telling me he had a vacation planned in July, so at least the Cole comment ties in nicely.

I have to say the Gho negativity is at an all time low. Booked up for months in advance and with so many board members who have either seen him or have a procedure booked, there is great reason to be optimistic, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

» Sounds ominous. I do remember Gho telling me he had a vacation planned in
» July, so at least the Cole comment ties in nicely.
» I have to say the Gho negativity is at an all time low. Booked up for
» months in advance and with so many board members who have either seen him
» or have a procedure booked, there is great reason to be optimistic, don’t
» let anyone tell you otherwise.

We don’t even have to push or fight HST anymore. Sh1t has developed nicely !
HST will take out FUT and FUE by itself in the USA and how long that will take solely depends on Dr. Cole.

Rassman probably gave a call to Cole crying on the phone and begging him “you know what”.

I am still thankful that Cole steps forward rather then play the bverotti bullcrap train. In my opinion if they get along, Gho should offer Cole the hole package for free only for the LOLs to pis* the rest off so hard they cry

So, this is a very good argument by Dr. Cole. Why are the people which are involved with HST, still involved with FUT? It dosen’t make sense.

The people at HASCI do not practice FUT, only HST and HSI.

Dr Cole was referring to Acell and plucking, not Gho and HST.

» The people at HASCI do not practice FUT, only HST and HSI.
» Dr Cole was referring to Acell and plucking, not Gho and HST.

Oh, my bad. Thank’s for clarifying it for me!

» Oh, my bad. Thank’s for clarifying it for me!

Dr. Gho is probably now having fun and drinks with other scientists. I repeat: S-C-I-E-N-T-I-S-T-S. Probably discussing and making fun of the FUT/FUE Butchers attempts at bringing him down.

Gho: "Hey Neuman you know what Rassman said of our treatment"
Neumann: "What?"
Gho: "Law of consevation of mass disproves Gho"
Neumann: “Hahahaha. What the hell has he been smoking”.
Gho: "Guy has no clue about hair, I don’t know how he got a degree.
Dr. Woods had a better one you wanna hear it"
Neumann: "Sure"
Gho: " He said he produced a better result than me as long as a guy has 400 FU/cm^2. I just treated a guy with a ~10 FUE/cm^2, known as Spanishdude with no change in donor"
Neumann: "Hahahahaha. You mean the paid shill by Dr. Lorenzo From Spain"
Gho: "Yes. I felt so sorry for him but still did it"
Neumann: "I heard the latest one from Bverotti. He’s mad his clinic has like 3 patients every 6 months while we are fully booked all the way to 2012. He tried to fool people with a patient who looked like he had scars because of having a rash on his head or something. Bottom line, it backfired now he will have 1 patient every 6 months"
Gho: "hahaha. Cheers"
Neumann: “Well their time is coming to an end. It’s understandable they would go banana-crazy. Cheers.”

Hope next time e get a picture with Dr Cole on it also :slight_smile:

» Hope next time e get a picture with Dr Cole on it also :slight_smile:

That would be a nice change! HASCI emailed me months ago that they normally are able to give you 75% of your original density back. So, If only 50% of your original density is needed to look full when the hair is dry, wouldn’t 75% be pretty damn close of a complete illution of your original density?

» » Hope next time e get a picture with Dr Cole on it also :slight_smile:
» That would be a nice change! HASCI emailed me months ago that they normally
» are able to give you 75% of your original density back. So, If only 50% of
» your original density is needed to look full when the hair is dry, wouldn’t
» 75% be pretty damn close of a complete illution of your original density?

50% is all you need imho, 75% is great but not needed plus it costs lot of money.

Dr Woods thinks 20% of original density is all patient needs

» » » Hope next time e get a picture with Dr Cole on it also :slight_smile:
» »
» » That would be a nice change! HASCI emailed me months ago that they
» normally
» » are able to give you 75% of your original density back. So, If only 50%
» of
» » your original density is needed to look full when the hair is dry,
» wouldn’t
» » 75% be pretty damn close of a complete illution of your original
» density?
» 50% is all you need imho, 75% is great but not needed plus it costs lot of
» money.
» Dr Woods thinks 20% of original density is all patient needs

20% of your original is probably not what Dr. Woods think you need, but more likely the best he can do without regeneration.

When it comes to my har, I could spend 100 000 dollars cash, if it gave me 75% of my original density back. When you only have 50% of your original density, your hair will not look full when for example wet.

» » » » Hope next time e get a picture with Dr Cole on it also :slight_smile:
» » »
» » » That would be a nice change! HASCI emailed me months ago that they
» » normally
» » » are able to give you 75% of your original density back. So, If only
» 50%
» » of
» » » your original density is needed to look full when the hair is dry,
» » wouldn’t
» » » 75% be pretty damn close of a complete illution of your original
» » density?
» »
» »
» » 50% is all you need imho, 75% is great but not needed plus it costs lot
» of
» » money.
» »
» »
» » Dr Woods thinks 20% of original density is all patient needs
» 20% of your original is probably not what Dr. Woods think you need, but
» more likely the best he can do without regeneration
» When it comes to my har, I could spend 100 000 dollars cash, if it gave me
» 75% of my original density back. When you only have 50% of your original
» density, your hair will not look full when for example wet.

Awesome statement i fully agree, Dr Woods and 20% yeah right

Dr. Woods is recently claiming he can get better results from Gho as long as you have 400 FU/cm^2.

He is making wild claims, what’s going to be next? He only needs 2 hairs per cm^2 to look full? Desesperate attempt. The average bald loser isn’t that dumb donor regeneration means donor regeneration, end of the story and nothing can be better than that.


Kane from Command and Conquer should go to Gho would be funny :slight_smile:

For people not familiar with Kane, he is from a video game

» Kane from Command and Conquer should go to Gho would be funny :slight_smile:
» For people not familiar with Kane, he is from a video game

Go to hasci.com. Sneijder’s probably having a second procedure as of now!
This one gonna hurt the clientele of butchers so bad.

Sneijder: No European championship title but a new head of hair from Maastricht
The European football championships might be over for the Dutch team, but that certainly wasn’t due to a receding hairline on the head of Wesley Sneijder. This star of the national football team visited the Maastricht Hair Science Institute in the city district of Scharn for a new head of hair, as his hair was rapidly thinning. Sneijder came to Maastricht last year especially for the treatment. The Hair Science Institute is the only company in the world with a patented method of hair multiplication with permanent results.

The Maastricht-based clinic treats a great many Dutch celebrities each year. Its clients include the singer and television personality Gerard Joling and singer Dean Saunders. The former underwent a number of treatments in order to encourage the growth of a full head of hair. It’s not yet clear whether Wesley will need another treatment. In any case, he now has a little time to spare in which to come to Maastricht if he needs to.