Dr. Cole, 4 month result with fast growth (photo sent by patient)

This is a 4 month result on a patient of ours who sent photos to us from Europe. He had 4,669 grafts, including 2,966 from the scalp and 1,703 from the beard. We pre-treated the recipient area with Acell injections and coated the grafts with Acell. We also treated the recipient area with PRP and activated the PRP with Thrombin. He is coming back to us at the 5 month mark for additional grafting from the beard. He did state that the grafts taken from the neck area gave him a slight neck lift and improved his overall appearance there, as well. This is expected because removal of grafts from the neck will can cause a more youthful overall tightening of the skin on the neck.

Looks amazing based on that one kind of dark photo. Are you able to get multiple angles with better lighting?

» This is a 4 month result on a patient of ours who sent photos to us from
» Europe. He had 4,669 grafts, including 2,966 from the scalp and 1,703 from
» the beard. We pre-treated the recipient area with Acell injections and
» coated the grafts with Acell. We also treated the recipient area with PRP
» and activated the PRP with Thrombin. He is coming back to us at the 5 month
» mark for additional grafting from the beard. He did state that the grafts
» taken from the neck area gave him a slight neck lift and improved his
» overall appearance there, as well. This is expected because removal of
» grafts from the neck will can cause a more youthful overall tightening of
» the skin on the neck.


not much more impressive than some of Dr. Gho’s HST results in my opinion

Can you post more pics, maybe a few shots from the top ?

» Can you post more pics, maybe a few shots from the top ?

» Can you post more pics, maybe a few shots from the top ?

That’s all we have from the patient right now, i will make sure to post more photos if the patient will agree to provide.

Question for dr. Cole:
I am going to elaborate a table of “harvesting-records” by different FUE surgeons.

This table will include:
-Record number of extracted FUE grafts for a single patient, on a single day (only scalp, not body).
-Accumulative record of harvested FUE grafts on a single patient over the years (only scalp, not body).

Only FUE harvesting, not FUT.
Only scalp harvesting, not body.

Could you please tell me these numbers achieved by dr. Cole?
I will ask as many doctors as possible. (other doctors may answer here if they want).
If I don’t get a direct answer by the doctors, I will do my own research and I will post what I find.


“This table will include:
-Record number of extracted FUE grafts for a single patient, on a single day (only scalp, not body).
-Accumulative record of harvested FUE grafts on a single patient over the years (only scalp, not bod” Hey Sd not sure what you are trying to acomplish with these numbers. But without knowing the percent of actual grafts that have grown from the large extraction days it’s meaningless. More in one day sounds good but not allways the wiset choice imo. Carry on.

Very simple, Duck.
With this table, I want to put Gho “in perspective”.
If Gho can multiply hair, and achieve “infinite donor supply”, he should have beaten the record of accumulative FUE extractions on a single patient.

The matter is that, despite of the claims of “unlimited donor”, AFAIK, Gho has only been able to (accumulatively) harvest 3858 grafts on a single patient. And it was a FEMALE patient, burn victim, with NO ALOPECIA (this means that donor area is larger and better). Furthermore, this record was achieved in 2008.

I hope there is cooperation helping me to populate this table.

» “This table will include:
» -Record number of extracted FUE grafts for a single patient, on a single
» day (only scalp, not body).
» -Accumulative record of harvested FUE grafts on a single patient over the
» years (only scalp, not bod” Hey Sd not sure what you are trying to
» acomplish with these numbers. But without knowing the percent of actual
» grafts that have grown from the large extraction days it’s meaningless.
» More in one day sounds good but not allways the wiset choice imo. Carry on.

I also am confused as to what the table means. What perspective will provide?

clinic A= 8000 grafts per day
clinic B= 5000 grafts per day
clinic c= 2000 grafts per day

GHO =3800 grafts per day

Is this what you trying to do?

BTW good result Forhair.

I dont know what to say anymore. SpanishDude what are you trying to prove? This is going absolutely insane.

HST in this form (massmarket) has been around since 2008/09 at best and in the beginnings Gho was clearly doing very small sessions.

A burn victim my friend has a weaker and much harsher donor area. Have you ever seen a burning victim? Their donor area is destroyed.

Well, although I am also interested in the “grafts per day” records, my main interest is in the total accumulated harvesting on a single patient, over the years.

Clinic A= 10.000 FUE grafts, done on Mr. Smith, in 4 sessions, between 2005 and 2010.

Clinic B= 8.700 FUE grafts, done on Mr. XXX, in 5 sessions, between 2004 and 2011.

Gho= 3858 HST grafts, done on Mrs. KZ, female burn victim, in 6 sessions, between 2005 and 2008

Of course, the table should be complemented with photos of the mentioned patients.

My intention is to see how many grafts can a doctor squeeze out of a donor patient. In theory, dr. Gho should have the world record, because he can “regenerate the donor”.

Do you understand me now?

» I also am confused as to what the table means. What perspective will
» provide?
» clinic A= 8000 grafts per day
» clinic B= 5000 grafts per day
» clinic c= 2000 grafts per day
» GHO =3800 grafts per day
» Is this what you trying to do?
» BTW good result Forhair.

» I dont know what to say anymore. SpanishDude what are you trying to prove?
» This is going absolutely insane.
» HST in this form (massmarket) has been around since 2008/09 at best and in
» the beginnings Gho was clearly doing very small sessions.
» A burn victim my friend has a weaker and much harsher donor area. Have you
» ever seen a burning victim? Their donor area is destroyed.

A burn victim can be of many types. In this case, the donor was unaffected by the burns.

One almost gets tired of asking the same question to almost all doctors but as always :

Can you post a picture of the top & crown ?

I get it now;-)

» I get it now;-)

Hairtech_4, as you have worked with several doctors, clinics, could you give me some figures, regarding patients who were harvested a lot? (accumulated in several sessions). Some patients have gone above 10.000 FUE grafts, isn’t it?
You don’t need to tell me specific names of doctors if you don’t want to.

» Hairtech_4, as you have worked with several doctors, clinics, could you
» give me some figures, regarding patients who were harvested a lot?
» (accumulated in several sessions). Some patients have gone above 10.000 FUE
» grafts, isn’t it?
» You don’t need to tell me specific names of doctors if you don’t want to.

In my opinion I have never seen a true 10,000 overall extracted case. This means actual extracted 1’s, 2’s, 3’s ect. etc. I just don’t think it is possible to extract that amount without having the donor area too thin.

I won’t post negatively about any one clinic because all clinics have had issues in regards to FUE. If anyone says they have not… would be a straight out fat lie. However I personally have seen a few patients in our clinic that were from another clinic and were completely over harvested, very young, and had straight and low hair lines. I felt bad for this one particular guy because he was 23 and he had the see thru moth eaten look.:frowning:

Hairtech, dr. Lorenzo in Spain claims 11770 FUE grafts on a patient.
and his donor looks great (maybe Lorenzo should claim “donor regeneration”?)

It is a NW6/7 full restoration.
The recipient is not very dense, though. Note that the video doesn’t show the final results of the last session (1715 grafts on the crown).
any comment? is this legit?
watching the video it doesn’t look like they are trying to fool the audience. They are even bold enough to present “wet results” which oviously make the result look poorer than it is.

I am not trying to divert the atention into dr. Lorenzo now (this is a dr.Cole-thread), I am just asking if these high harvestings are possible in special gifted patients.

» »
» » Hairtech_4, as you have worked with several doctors, clinics, could you
» » give me some figures, regarding patients who were harvested a lot?
» » (accumulated in several sessions). Some patients have gone above 10.000
» » grafts, isn’t it?
» » You don’t need to tell me specific names of doctors if you don’t want
» to.
» In my opinion I have never seen a true 10,000 overall extracted case. This
» means actual extracted 1’s, 2’s, 3’s ect. etc. I just don’t think it is
» possible to extract that amount without having the donor area too thin.
» I won’t post negatively about any one clinic because all clinics have had
» issues in regards to FUE. If anyone says they have not… would be a
» straight out fat lie. However I personally have seen a few patients in our
» clinic that were from another clinic and were completely over harvested,
» very young, and had straight and low hair lines. I felt bad for this one
» particular guy because he was 23 and he had the see thru moth eaten
» look.:frowning:

question for forhair:

dr. Cole wrote in other forum something very interesting:

With body hair, you can totally remove an area through FUE and then go back 6 months later and it is full of hair. it is thinner, but there is plenty of hair. The reason is that there are many hair in the exogen phase on the body.

does this apply to the scalp too? I mean, if you totally remove a scalp donor area through FUE, and you come back 6 months later, do you find “a lot” of hair there?

More like a teleogen phase. And yes some body hair can have as much as 50% in telogen phase at any give time. This is why most clinics ask a patient to shave a few days prior to a procedure. So that the hairs you see are in anagen phase.

And yes let’s re-focus this thread back to Dr. Cole’s results.:smiley:

Start a different thread about this stuff.

» Hairtech, dr. Lorenzo in Spain claims 11770 FUE grafts on a patient

can you tell me anything about this doctors reputation??? He looks very interesting!