Dr. Arvind: patient TN - 4320 FUHT + 19 beard ht - repair

Dear forum readers,
The following case illustrates the benefits of scalp laxity in FUHT procedures.

While on the topic, you may like to see what exceptional scalp donor area laxity means. Dr. Ruby has posted a video at the thread

However, everyone is not blessed with such extraordinary laxity as shown in the video above.

Scalp stretching exercises, nonetheless, make a big and important difference.

The patient we are going to discuss on this thread has promised regular update oppurtunities.

Patient particulars
Nickname - TN.
Hairloss status - Norwood 5 if left untransplanted.
Past history - The patient had plug transplants earlier.
The plug grafts were extracted individually, leading to shotgun scarring in the donor area.

The entire scalp donor area was depleted on account of this scarring.

TN was advised to perform scalp donor area stretching exercises regularly before attempting a FUHT.
The aim was twofold. To increase the available grafts as well as to excise as much of the scarring.

We also performed a small session of transplant of the beard hair to the scalp.

Dr. A


Unfortunately, there are too many patients who have the wrong transplants compared to those that have it done the correct way.

I think, >90% of those that go through the harrowing experience of such procedures loose all faith in hair restoration surgery and its practitioners.

I dont blame them for thinking that every procedure and every doctor is thesame.

That is one thought that holds them back from taking corrective steps to get rid of the unnatural appearance of such transplants.

I request the forum readers; most of you must have seen atleast one such person in your life.
Please go out of your way. Help him, educate him.

He may initially appear hostile when you talk of his hair transplant. But if you persist, if you can educate 1 person an year, you will feel vindicated.

And by that 1 person, I do not mean those that frequent the net. I mean those that are not net savvy. No one deserves to have a wreath of plugs on his forehead.

I know I sometimes get carried away when talking about these issues. So, I will stop.
But you should not.

Dr. A

» Unfortunately, there are too many patients who have the wrong transplants
» compared to those that have it done the correct way.
» I think,90% of those that go through the harrowing experience of such
» procedures loose all faith in hair restoration surgery and its
» practitioners.
» I dont blame them for thinking that every procedure and every doctor is
» thesame.
» That is one thought that holds them back from taking corrective steps to
» get rid of the unnatural appearance of such transplants.

Your sensitivity & understanding of a butchered patients psyche is something that the vast majority of your peers need to learn. Most Docs portray the “angry” & “psychologically damaged” butchered patient as the villain.
You are to be commended for giving these people hope rather then sweeping them under the rug like so many other clinics do.

The majority of clinics here only post cases that depict the HTP industry as an industry where the patient always gets a great result & there is always a happy ending. Most clinics try to hide the dark side so they don’t scare of potential clients.
You are one of the very few docs that dare to publicly acknowledge that there are some very serious flaws within this industry & are willing to graphically show the other side of HTP Surgery.

I am curious, what % of your patients are repair cases?



man this guy got butchered, who was the previous doc?