Dr. Arvind felicitated by the President of Mauritius

We are pleased to inform our readers that Pride of India leadership award was presented to Dr. Arvind Poswal by His Excellency, Sir Anerood Jugnauth President, Republic Of Mauritius on April 15,2011.
The felicitation ceremony was hosted to honour people of Indian origin worldwide for outstanding individual achievements in various fields



After seeing your results for so many years, I have to conclude that you are one of the good doctors around here, you also seem more genuine and less egoistic than others.

» Congratulations.

congratulations Dr.Arvind!!

Being his patient all this may sound cliche but There was something about this man when i first met him.i was desperate to say the least at that point of time but meeting him was the turning point.He exuded a certain kindness,calmness and down to earth attitude.It was not easy for me to trust a doctor after my first experience but there was something rooted into the way he talked and assured that allowed me to proceed,i could see the genuineness…and i am glad i did place my trust in him!!
Remaining grounded,patience and being GOD fearing are his best triats in my judgement…i remember hindu prayers and hymens playing in the background when my procedure was being done and i felt the serenity and calmness instantly!!

congrats again:-)

I second HairLove

As you all know, I have been to Dr. Arvind on multiple occasions. I am heading back for what I hope is a final procedure, of course I will take in depth pictures and reporting of the transplant.

Dr. Arvind on multiple occasions has had decisions to make with me as a patient, on every occasion you could sense the strict moral and ethical guidelines that he follows and drives him both as a person and a doctor.

I have been to 8 different hair transplant doctors, some I have had procedures with and some only consultations (had 6 transplants in total). All else to the side in terms of skill technique, etc…I have a good sense and a good judge of people and Dr. Arvind stood out.

Just to give you an idea of how much it took for someone to win me over…I started hair transplantation at 17 years old, by the time I was 21 I had ~$15,000 invested and nothing to show except a few big plugs, depleted donor, and a VERY wide scar. I was seriously considering suicide (I can’t even belive I am typing that but it is the truth). Being bald at 17/18 is very tough but having a bad transplant in high school and being the subject of many jokes is life changing. I went to multiple doctors thereafter for consultations and choose Dr. Arvind.

Of course if anyone wants more in depth information about my procedures with Dr. Arvind just ask. I am here to help and hopefully educate, I will be open and honest about the good and bad in all of my procedures

Back to the point of this post…Congratulations Dr. Arvind and I look forward to seeing you

Oh, the President of Mauritius, that really makes a difference - good grief.

» Oh, the President of Mauritius, that really makes a difference - good
» grief.

Oh yea, don’t people know by now that developing or 3rd world country don’t count? Well, at least Skywalker thinks so.

Skywalker you took the words right out of my mouth.

What exactly does this have to do with a quality hair transplant by an ethical clinic that knows how to treat their patients very well and with the utmost respect.

» Skywalker you took the words right out of my mouth.
» What exactly does this have to do with a quality hair transplant by an
» ethical clinic that knows how to treat their patients very well and with
» the utmost respect.

There is nothing wrong with a good hair transplant doctor being honored for his accomplishments. I am certainly happy for Dr. Arvind.

Does this mean Dr. Arvind transplanted the President of Mauritius?

» » Skywalker you took the words right out of my mouth.
» »
» » What exactly does this have to do with a quality hair transplant by an
» » ethical clinic that knows how to treat their patients very well and with
» » the utmost respect.
» There is nothing wrong with a good hair transplant doctor being honored for
» his accomplishments. I am certainly happy for Dr. Arvind.

i agree,that answers the question!!

» Skywalker you took the words right out of my mouth.
» What exactly does this have to do with a quality hair transplant by an
» ethical clinic that knows how to treat their patients very well and with
» the utmost respect.

Took the words right out of your mouth? All Skywalker did was to insult and belittle the country of Mauritius, he never questioned what this has to do with a quality hair transplant like you did.

"All Skywalker did was to insult and belittle the country of Mauritius, he never questioned what this has to do with a quality hair transplant like you did. "

Topcat is right and you are wrong damraak, I wasn’t insulting and belittling the country of Mauritius, it didn’t matter what country’s President was doing the presenting, it’s clearly just a jolly, I was questioning what it has do with the ability to do HT’s.

99% of people would have understood that - but it has to be explained to you damraak…

» "All Skywalker did was to insult and belittle the country of Mauritius, he
» never questioned what this has to do with a quality hair transplant like
» you did. "
» ================================================================
» Topcat is right and you are wrong damraak, I wasn’t insulting and
» belittling the country of Mauritius, it didn’t matter what country’s
» President was doing the presenting, it’s clearly just a jolly, I was
» questioning what it has do with the ability to do HT’s.
» 99% of people would have understood that - but it has to be explained to
» you damraak…


Damraak I don’t think anyone was trying to be insulting. But this thread is like announcing you bowled a perfect 300 and received a trophy. What exactly is it suppose to mean?

Personally I don’t care for this type of brand building as it doesn’t have anything to what is being sold. But to each their own.


No damraak - you’re just a bit dim.

» "All Skywalker did was to insult and belittle the country of Mauritius, he
» never questioned what this has to do with a quality hair transplant like
» you did. "
» ================================================================
» Topcat is right and you are wrong damraak, I wasn’t insulting and
» belittling the country of Mauritius, it didn’t matter what country’s
» President was doing the presenting, it’s clearly just a jolly, I was
» questioning what it has do with the ability to do HT’s.
» 99% of people would have understood that - but it has to be explained to
» you damraak…

Just be a man and own up to it. It’s funny how you are trying to cover your ass, “oh i was questioning what it has to do with the ability to do HT’s”, yeah right!

» Damraak I don’t think anyone was trying to be insulting. But this thread is
» like announcing you bowled a perfect 300 and received a trophy. What
» exactly is it suppose to mean?
» Personally I don’t care for this type of brand building as it doesn’t have
» anything to what is being sold. But to each their own.

I don’t care for the type of brand building where the doctor offers free work so that the patient can talk him up on the internet either, like you said to each his own.