Does stem cell research affect HM?

does this affect HM in any way?

well hm does not use embryos so it would be legal to carry on the research n the us, though all the hm research is currently being done outide of the us anyway. it is much easier & faster to do it outside of us.

so it does not affect anything. uk is no.1 in the stem cells’ research currently. pretty much everyone is doing it in the uk (government heavily supports it), some do in canada / europe / japan. Who cares about Bush. Maybe if they told him that voting against means losing money, he would reconsider.

» does this affect HM in any way?

California alone is investing $3 billion into stem cell research over the next 10 years. Much more than anybody in Europe. So no, I don’t think it matters. It would be nice to have it passed on a national level though, just for a more consistent policy. But research goes on.

» does this affect HM in any way?

At the moment, no. But it does go to show how low many people’s IQ’s are and explains why people voted for such an idiot for a President. I used to wonder why people would want a stupid president. I think the answer is partly that stupid people can identify with a stupid leader. But I also think that it is because stupid people can be assured that a stupid president will do stupid things that will please stupid people.

Now there are actually some voters who are both anti-fertility clinics and anti-embryonic stem cells, but they are in the extreme minority. I have less of an issue with them because they at least have some sort of mechanically sound reasoning behind their beliefs. But, the rest of the anti-stem cell advocates are dumber than fence posts and haven’t got a clue as to what they even support.

Why doesn’t Democracy work? It is because greater than 50% of the people out there have IQ’s of <=100.

» does this affect HM in any way?

Intercytex and HM is at the corner (2 months to go)!

Nothing can affect Intercytex at this state except the phase II preliminary results (which probably are good)!