Does anyone know how to get ahold of ps1?

I think there are ps1 groups out there. I’d like to talk to one of the groups. Anyone with info please help.

» I think there are ps1 groups out there. I’d like to talk to one of the
» groups. Anyone with info please help.

The old Maneless is back! Off his meds and as crazy as ever.

» » I think there are ps1 groups out there. I’d like to talk to one of the
» » groups. Anyone with info please help.
» The old Maneless is back! Off his meds and as crazy as ever.

maneless is delusional immature rambling fool…with no self esteem

i think he is about 35 and still lives with his mommy

» » » I think there are ps1 groups out there. I’d like to talk to one of
» the
» » » groups. Anyone with info please help.
» »
» » The old Maneless is back! Off his meds and as crazy as ever.
» maneless is delusional immature rambling fool…with
» no self esteem
» i think he is about 35 and still lives with his mommy

nope, he is nearly 50.

Why dont you just leave him alone guys…he is trying like everybody in here to fight his hairloss and has a precious contribution to the board.

» » » I think there are ps1 groups out there. I’d like to talk to one of
» the
» » » groups. Anyone with info please help.
» »
» » The old Maneless is back! Off his meds and as crazy as ever.
» maneless is delusional immature rambling fool…with
» no self esteem
» i think he is about 35 and still lives with his mommy

You are very judgmental.