this should be the real question…
i say yes.
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this should be the real question…
i say yes.
» this should be the real question…
» i say yes.
Sure as long as you dont get access to it it would suit me but i think you should stop to start useless non hair loss relatd threads like your “Kill IronMan stuff from the past” which was borderline ridicolous and ambarassing as hell
» » this should be the real question…
» »
» » i say yes.
» Sure as long as you dont get access to it it would suit me but i think you
» should stop to start useless non hair loss relatd threads like your “Kill
» IronMan stuff from the past” which was borderline ridicolous and
» ambarassing as hell
trust me the last thing i want is access…
» » » this should be the real question…
» » »
» » » i say yes.
» »
» » Sure as long as you dont get access to it it would suit me but i think
» you
» » should stop to start useless non hair loss relatd threads like your
» “Kill
» » IronMan stuff from the past” which was borderline ridicolous and
» » ambarassing as hell
» trust me the last thing i want is access…
then stay bald forever and ever and ever
» this should be the real question…
» i say yes.
Actually, the idea isn’t even so bad. But if I would, this would quickly accelerate not just be the end of conventional hair transplants - within month.
But as I mentioned in the other useless thread like this thread, THE INEVITABLE will happen - with, or without “IronMan & co”.
By the way - what does this additional useless thread has to do with “Hair multiplication, hair cloning, stem cells treatment…” ???
Verzieh dich einfach, du selten dummer und nutzloser Wichser.
IronMan i agree but i have to say one thing though
Ich denke je schneller der Zug für die “Oldtimer” Kliniken abfährt, desto besser und umso eher halten solche Trolle einfach ihre Fickfressen
Dass dieser Umschwung Prozess gerade stattfindet, merke ich deutlich am Alo Forum denn da werden keine positiven Gho Kommentare mehr freigegeben
» Dass dieser Umschwung Prozess gerade stattfindet, merke ich deutlich am Alo
» Forum denn da werden keine positiven Gho Kommentare mehr freigegeben
Das ist ja genau das, was ich unter Betrug verstehe. Ganz abgesehen davon, dass das was dort IN VOLLER KENNTNIS der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen abläuft, ist schlicht und ergreifend illegal - vorerst in Deutschland.
Und in voller Kenntnis davon, sind sowohl Betreiber, die paar armseligen Handlanger von Ärzten dort (aka „Experten“ die es notwenig haben in Foren rumzukeilern) als auch die bezahlten Handlager aka gekaufte Patienten. Kurzum, ALLES was dort permanent rumschleicht ist nur armseliges GESINDEL.
Ach ja, auch solche Typen …
… gelten schlicht und ergreifend einfach als GESINDEL, welche im Übrigen ohnehin schon eine per Gesetz auf die Schnauze bekommen haben.
» this should be the real question…
» i say yes.
YES, in fact I don’t think I can understand why he is here. It really doesn’t make sense. Why would anyone want a person like that around. If this was a concert he would have gotten his well you know kicked out a long time ago. For sure you just can’t behave like he does in society with out some harsh consequences. I can see messing up and acting like that once and a while everyone has there bad moments. He is just a bad dude, most wouldn’t tolerate it. I certainly wouldn’t think so especially in a nice restaurant, a business, around children… he’s a freakin menace to everything. Bad person… not that we all aren’t once and a while. Just freakin he crosses a line, every time he posts anything on here just about. Heck even McDonalds would kick him out, lol.
Viel schlimmer ist diese Antwort
Ich frage mich halt permanent wie lange dieser Schwachsinn noch so laufen wird und wie lange es dauert bis sich HST durchsetzt, denn das sterben, das sieht ein Blinder mit Krückstock
» YES, in fact I don’t think I can understand why he is here.
And why are YOU here since years?
Just due to your F U C K I N G eyebrows???
Every average hair transplant doctor out there (even in America!!) can make you new nicely eyebrows within a few hours!
Maybe not so superb like Gho can do this and without any pain …
… but I suppose they can this too.
So, I have just solved your problem for you within seconds - FOR FREE, and there is no need for you to come back to HairSite.
» this should be the real question…
» i say yes.
btw - a separate forum for hair loss PSYCHOS (where they can discuss how poor and mental ill they are) would be far more important - don’t you think Mr.
» » this should be the real question…
» »
» » i say yes.
» btw - a separate forum for hair loss PSYCHOS (where they can discuss how
» poor and mental ill they are) would be far more important - don’t you think
» Mr.
the correct term would be “mentally ill” not “mental ill”…
it must suck to not even have the intellectual capacity to formulate insults properly.
» it must suck to not even have the intellectual capacity to formulate
» insults properly.
Like your 594 useless RANT posts?
Verzieh dich einfach du erbärmlicher nutzloser Wichser.
Du bist ja mehr als nur überflüssig wie ein Kropf für solche Foren, du Wichser!
» » it must suck to not even have the intellectual capacity to formulate
» » insults properly.
» Like your 594 useless RANT posts?
» Verzieh dich einfach du erbärmlicher nutzloser Wichser.
» Du bist ja mehr als nur überflüssig wie ein Kropf für solche Foren, du
» Wichser!
you are ridiculous! mr. zipperhead you admittedly don’t have any more options left. your god, sorry gho won’t give you his cure, you can’t rearrange anymore parts of your scalp and you’re pushing 50? WTF! Chill the F*uck out!
If Gho’s procedure is on the level it will all eventually come out. None of your non-sense is required.
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