Do transplanted hair stop growing after certain years?

This is a myth:-
For the vast majority of patients, virtually all transplanted hair lasts a lifetime.

This is the result of one of our patients (2008).

The transplanted hair are still growing well. You can also speak to the patient if you wish to.

Dr. A’s Clinic
Contact at: +91-9871700606

Hi i am facing hairloss for a very long time now I live in Delhi
Even I had this question in my mind because if it wld stop growing then there was no use of getting a transplant.
Thankyou for giving me the proof for this how can I reach u for further assistance
And when will you be open after the lockdown

Dear Pratyush_Kumar ,
Transplanted hair NOT growing after a few years of growth is a myth that has its origin in the last 4 to 5 years.
I suspect a reason maybe incompetent doctors transplanting in areas of diffuse hairloss trying to shift the blame from their procedure’s lack of growth to something that is due to nature. Or in some instances I have noticed hair roots being harvested outside the safe donor area. That’s a complete no-no.

The science of hair transpant is based on the principle of donor dominance. That is the transplanted hair will grow in its new location as it would have in its original one.

Let me know if you have further queries.
We shall post more such patient pictures, videos in near future.

Dr. A

That you for explaining me this thoroughly I wld like to book and appointment so would you let me know about the lockdown and how can I book in advance for when u wld be open

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I think very nice and excellent hair transplant surgery have bee done by the hair transplant surgeon it will be very good to give you best possible results as seen is well…

Dear Pratyush_kumar,
Online consult facility is explained at Online consultation

Dr. A

Thanku I will look into it