Different strategies for restoring the full head of hair

Ok i was thinking about a strategies even for NW6 patients which should sound interesting. Or at leat they appeal to me as interesting

I split the sections in categories like

a) had transplants before
b) never had transplants

First with transplants before (results maybe plugs, depleated donor, low density, bald spots, scars)

Persons under these circumstances should try to get the best of their possible choices and use the Gho methode to straighten out their hairline first (eg density etc) and in a second or third run support the crown area.

Also in a case of exhausted donor and expanded scar tissue you should consider a BHT doc who knows his schtick. But with Acell to minimize eventuall scars etc.

I didnt put any effort on the Norwood scale here because i believe that repair patients or guys with a prior transplant couldnt be rightfully put in one of those categories. And in my opinion the NW scale ends at NW6 because 7, well most of us wont even survive the day we hit the seven :wink: its all a progression to 5 or 6 the only thing differs is speed ^^

Any suggestions here?

b) Guys without prior hair transplant

Here is a major problem, what should they do first? Should they go with Gho first or should they get their frontal zone fully restored by FUE mega dense whatever its called and fill the rest with Gho?

If you opt for the second option (FUE first) just take advantage of some ideas first

  1. Keep and let your frontal zone been planted, like there would be no more hair left and as dense as you can (HST grafts are super small so ife needed you can plant them in between after that) no compromise, just stick with full restoration there (FUE only)

  2. Dont go for your NW0 hairline, it will absolutely look ridiculous by the age of 40 to 50. Stick with a soft NW1 to NW 1,5 or NW2 hairline (it saves you a lot of Grafts and to be honest the difference between NW0 to NW1 to NW2 is generally marginal.
    Even as a teenager you never were NW0 because its an individual thing. Do oyur math and check for yourself what looks good if you would have a buzz cut. I prefer the Prison Break Look over your NW0 hair tattoo like appearance

  3. Your third step should be to use all ressources and put pressure on your Doc, that he uses Acell in your donor area as well, even when he is “only” performing his FUE. Benefits of this are simple, higher chance of donor regrow, no more white shot gun dots in the donor area and some “anecdotal” benefits as well

  4. Check with your doc, if he/she is using a needle with a small diameter, with this secured, you could also increase the chance of regrowing in the donor area. Cause we have a saying in germany " Auch ein blindes Huhn findet mal ein Korn" which literally means in englisch Even a blind man can hit the target perchance". It is your head and your money so be PROACTIVE

  5. Check your stuff again : Acell yes or No, inner diameter small yes or no.

Now your final steps begin.

  1. Use Gho for restoring the crown and maybe some of your problem areas (maybe one temple area hs two more hairs then the other one or so). If you are relatively high on the NW scale you already know where the hairloss will stop by natural selection here. And then you should try to spiral down on your crown, from the outside to the inside.

Pros here : you make the bald spot smaller be appearance (which for the eye of others seems like “Early balding”). Second pro here : With going like this, your following fill transplants wont need that much grafts anymore because it will be more and more packed with less grafts. another Pro here : all the time you could wear an attractive Buzz Cut and no one also not you would think about hairloss (who knows maybe you begin to like the buzz cut on special occassions like hot summer days or so)

The last Pro here : you still have donor reserves intact if you do it like this and therefore you are prepared if… pfff yeah if what?

Transplant procedures here (if done according to this) :

  • 1 FUE
  • 2 or 3 small HST

Result : Finished for good everything else after this would be personal preference or an addiction to hair transplants

I didnt include FUT because FUT would create some other problems like scars, laxity decrese and this would put you automatically in category 1

The reason why i choose to used Gho as crown filling is very simple, the crown needs the most grafts from all areas to get a half decent coverage. And if we pay attention, if the crown wouldnt be bald and only frontal regions would be the problem, we wouldnt be nailed to compromise between everything here. And it would be a total waste, to use precious grafts which can create your frontal hairline, for just filling your bald spot on top of your head.

As you can see, we achieved the best possible and advanced result without a smiley face, in the shortest amount of time and less money involved then it would normally be. And we didnt even touched the body hairs or did totally depleate the donor area.

But i am open to criticism here :slight_smile:

» Ok i was thinking about a strategies even for NW6 patients which should
» sound interesting. Or at leat they appeal to me as interesting
» I split the sections in categories like
» a) had transplants before
» b) never had transplants
» First with transplants before (results maybe plugs, depleated donor, low
» density, bald spots, scars)
» Persons under these circumstances should try to get the best of their
» possible choices and use the Gho methode to straighten out their hairline
» first (eg density etc) and in a second or third run support the crown
» area.
» Also in a case of exhausted donor and expanded scar tissue you should
» consider a BHT doc who knows his schtick. But with Acell to minimize
» eventuall scars etc.
» I didnt put any effort on the Norwood scale here because i believe that
» repair patients or guys with a prior transplant couldnt be rightfully put
» in one of those categories. And in my opinion the NW scale ends at NW6
» because 7, well most of us wont even survive the day we hit the seven :wink:
» its all a progression to 5 or 6 the only thing differs is speed ^^
» Any suggestions here?
» b) Guys without prior hair transplant
» Here is a major problem, what should they do first? Should they go with Gho
» first or should they get their frontal zone fully restored by FUE mega
» dense whatever its called and fill the rest with Gho?
» If you opt for the second option (FUE first) just take advantage of some
» ideas first
» 1) Keep and let your frontal zone been planted, like there would be no more
» hair left and as dense as you can (HST grafts are super small so ife needed
» you can plant them in between after that) no compromise, just stick with
» full restoration there (FUE only)
» 2) Dont go for your NW0 hairline, it will absolutely look ridiculous by the
» age of 40 to 50. Stick with a soft NW1 to NW 1,5 or NW2 hairline (it saves
» you a lot of Grafts and to be honest the difference between NW0 to NW1 to
» NW2 is generally marginal.
» Even as a teenager you never were NW0 because its an individual thing. Do
» oyur math and check for yourself what looks good if you would have a buzz
» cut. I prefer the Prison Break Look over your NW0 hair tattoo like
» appearance
» 3) Your third step should be to use all ressources and put pressure on your
» Doc, that he uses Acell in your donor area as well, even when he is “only”
» performing his FUE. Benefits of this are simple, higher chance of donor
» regrow, no more white shot gun dots in the donor area and some “anecdotal”
» benefits as well
» 4) Check with your doc, if he/she is using a needle with a small diameter,
» with this secured, you could also increase the chance of regrowing in the
» donor area. Cause we have a saying in germany " Auch ein blindes Huhn
» findet mal ein Korn" which literally means in englisch Even a blind man
» can hit the target perchance". It is your head and your money so be
» 5) Check your stuff again : Acell yes or No, inner diameter small yes or
» no.
» Now your final steps begin.
» 6) Use Gho for restoring the crown and maybe some of your problem areas
» (maybe one temple area hs two more hairs then the other one or so). If you
» are relatively high on the NW scale you already know where the hairloss
» will stop by natural selection here. And then you should try to spiral down
» on your crown, from the outside to the inside.
» Pros here : you make the bald spot smaller be appearance (which for the eye
» of others seems like “Early balding”). Second pro here : With going like
» this, your following fill transplants wont need that much grafts anymore
» because it will be more and more packed with less grafts. another Pro here
» : all the time you could wear an attractive Buzz Cut and no one also not
» you would think about hairloss (who knows maybe you begin to like the buzz
» cut on special occassions like hot summer days or so)
» The last Pro here : you still have donor reserves intact if you do it like
» this and therefore you are prepared if… pfff yeah if what?
» Transplant procedures here (if done according to this) :
» - 1 FUE
» - 2 or 3 small HST
» Result : Finished for good everything else after this would be personal
» preference or an addiction to hair transplants
» I didnt include FUT because FUT would create some other problems like
» scars, laxity decrese and this would put you automatically in category 1
» The reason why i choose to used Gho as crown filling is very simple, the
» crown needs the most grafts from all areas to get a half decent coverage.
» And if we pay attention, if the crown wouldnt be bald and only frontal
» regions would be the problem, we wouldnt be nailed to compromise between
» everything here. And it would be a total waste, to use precious grafts
» which can create your frontal hairline, for just filling your bald spot on
» top of your head.
» As you can see, we achieved the best possible and advanced result without a
» smiley face, in the shortest amount of time and less money involved then it
» would normally be. And we didnt even touched the body hairs or did totally
» depleate the donor area.
» But i am open to criticism here :slight_smile:

I´m just waiting for someone from this forum to make a HST procedure at Gho so that we are finnaly sure if he is right or not.

Iron Man is going to this year

Why not going to Gho from the beginning if one is sure one’s donor will grow?

» Why not going to Gho from the beginning if one is sure one’s donor will
» grow?

Because it would take more time thats it. And with future maintenance you cannot run out of donor hair so you can gamble once and thats ok

» » Why not going to Gho from the beginning if one is sure one’s donor will
» » grow?
» Because it would take more time thats it. And with future maintenance you
» cannot run out of donor hair so you can gamble once and thats ok

If someone is an NW7- and is shaving- and wants to use GHO over a few yrs where do they start?

How do you prevent yourself from looking awful for the time between your first and last trasnplant?

Does gho start with like 4000 hairs diffusely planted across the top of your head. Does he fill in the crown first?

Can you shave between transplants or are you going to need to rock a busted shadow?