
Since a lot of researchc has shown that Male pattern baldness is caused by a strong immune response to hair follicles… I have though that using Cyclosporine, a very strong anti immune drug, topically might be a good idea.

It is very toxic so I want to be careful, but it seems that topically the bioavailability is not as high as when taken orally.

I will keep you guys posted once I get my hand on some.

» Since a lot of researchc has shown that Male pattern baldness is
» caused by a strong immune response to hair follicles… I have
» though that using Cyclosporine, a very strong anti immune drug,
» topically might be a good idea.

Actually, I can think of exactly ONE study which only vaguely hinted at the suggestion that an immune response might have something to do with it, so I certainly wouldn’t call that “a lot of research”.

BTW, I’ll also mention here that Dr. Proctor (who seems to be the original source for this “immune response” theory) has said that the way cyclosporin actually works to stimulate hair growth probably has nothing specifically to do with suppressing the immune system.

Didn’t somebody recently come up with a finding that BOOSTING the immune system can show positive gains for hair, too? That would be more evidence that the immune system is involved with MPB but the immune response is not directly the culprit of MPB.

I don’t think cyclo actually grows much hair. Not topically or systemically. Maybe it would with extreme high doses or something like that, but probably not with any very manageable regimen. Organ transplant medication regimens would have baldness reversal as a side effect if it did work very well.

Along this general train of thought, Tacrolimus might be a decent thing to look into. It’s made in a regular cream intended for topical use.

Whan I do a Google search on Tacrolimus, I find hairloss listed as a side

effect more than hair growth. I’d be careful about using it.

Yes, I should have mentioned that.

When I was looking into Tacro, I had been thinking about temporary use with Folica-type HM experimentation. I wasn’t so much thinking about any kind of regular long term MPB prevention treatment.

Why would anyone want to take risks with cyclosporin? I think it is a treatment given as a chemotherapy to cancer patients? Chemotherapy inhibits cell proliferation

» Why would anyone want to take risks with cyclosporin? I think it is a
» treatment given as a chemotherapy to cancer patients? Chemotherapy inhibits
» cell proliferation

You guys are saying things that are completely wrong and incorrect. Whatever
happened to basing your statements on facts?

Cyclosporine does have a major side effect of hair REGROWTH. And that is from
patients taking it orally. As with all medication, by the time it reaches your hair, it is at a lesser concentration.

Thus, applying it topically will have more immediate effect on the human hair organ.

Common sense proper research indicates clearly that the immune system has a very major role in alopecia areata and also MPB. Your body starts rejecting its own hair organs. There might be a genetic trigger, which explains why some guys go bald and other dont, but the fact is once this process of balness starts, it is carried out mainly through your hair follicles being attacked by immune cells.

I am on day 4 of topical Cyclosporine. It does have a risk of tumors being formed, not preventing them or cancer as one of you indicated incorrectly.

But that is when one is taking Cyclosporine in high doses and regularly. Topically applied it doesn’t have the same bioavailability as it does when taken orally.

I am hoping this will work combined with the Alpecin Caffeine liquid that I use for as a carrier.

» You guys are saying things that are completely wrong and incorrect.
» Whatever happened to basing your statements on facts?
» […]
» Common sense proper research indicates clearly that the immune system has
» a very major role in alopecia areata and also MPB. Your body starts
» rejecting its own hair organs. There might be a genetic trigger, which
» explains why some guys go bald and other dont, but the fact is once this
» process of balness starts, it is carried out mainly through your hair
» follicles being attacked by immune cells.

Really? Can you cite a study showing that immune cells attack hair follicles in MPB? In other words, can you base your statements on FACTS, as you said in your second sentence above? :slight_smile:

» Since a lot of researchc has shown that Male pattern baldness is caused by
» a strong immune response to hair follicles… I have though that using
» Cyclosporine, a very strong anti immune drug, topically might be a good
» idea.
» It is very toxic so I want to be careful, but it seems that topically the
» bioavailability is not as high as when taken orally.
» I will keep you guys posted once I get my hand on some.

please don’t do it.

you could destroy your liver.

don’t take insane risks.

Did any of the Follica experimenters use cyclosporin or Tacrolimus as a topical? Apparently there is a decent amount of research implicating both of them in hair growth. But as someone noted, it’s not 100% clear that it’s from immunosuppression.

It appears that Tacrolimus is less toxic than Cylosporin?

» » You guys are saying things that are completely wrong and incorrect.
» » Whatever happened to basing your statements on facts?
» » […]
» » Common sense proper research indicates clearly that the
» » immune system has a very major role
» » in alopecia areata and also MPB. Your body starts rejecting its
» » own hair organs. There might be a genetic trigger, which explains
» » why some guys go bald and other dont, but the fact is once this
» » process of balness starts, it is carried out mainly through your
» » hair follicles being attacked by immune cells.
» Really? Can you cite a study showing that immune cells attack hair
» follicles in MPB? In other words, can you base your statements on
» FACTS, as you said in your second sentence above? :slight_smile:

More than a year and a half later, and STILL no response from the guy who claimed that there’s an “immune attack” on hair follicles in MPB! :slight_smile:

» More than a year and a half later, and STILL no response from the guy who
» claimed that there’s an “immune attack” on hair follicles in MPB! :slight_smile:

why you so stoopid… he allready told you, he’s taking cyclosporin for a year now … so… he’s dead of cause :slight_smile: