Custom soybean + Fo-Ti topical

Anyone used this before? How hard is it to persuade them to put new stuff on their list?

better quality pictures show the truth :slight_smile:

» WIPO - Search International and National Patent Collections
» better quality pictures show the truth :slight_smile:

Thank you for finding the better pictures…much better.

This appears to be about equivalent to minoxidil, and nothing more. The clearer pics show some regrowth, and this stuff might stop further baldness (for at least a few years) , but it obviously doesn’t grow back much. Very interesting stuff. Im glad we can put it to rest having seen these higher-pixel reprints.

It’s a bit disapointing that it ALWAYS ends like this.

I think it all turns down to fibrosis. Basically, you can revive the follicle, but even fully healthy follicle is never strong enough to get through the tough collagen fibres it is locked in.