
only words, we need facts

It was on a German forum posted:-|

» It was on a German forum posted:-|

yeah, but its just a hypothesis.

Anyone can hypothesise anything.

Maybe they are more than we know.
Facts we get in a few months of Intercytex.
Until then, nothing new and certainly not of Follica.
What think you … 2-4 years?

» Maybe they are more than we know.
» Facts we get in a few months of Intercytex.
» Until then, nothing new and certainly not of Follica.
» What think you … 2-4 years?

cure on the market in 2-4 years? no I dont think so. Its either the home follica replication guys will start to scream something like “THICK HAIR GROWING HERES THE PICTURE” soon, or we basically are screwed for at least 5-10 years.

Why you do not believe in Intercytex? It looks not bad!

» Why you do not believe in Intercytex? It looks not bad!

Because its obvious? I mean feel free to dream your dreams.

1: Med Hypotheses. 2008;70(5):1014-6. Epub 2007 Oct 23. Links
Treatment of alopecia by transplantation of hair follicle stem cells and dermal papilla cells encapsulated in alginate gels.Zhao J, Liu LQ, Wang YJ, Yang W, Geng WX, Wei J, Li LW, Chen FL.
Rege Lab of Tissue Engineering, Department of Bioscience, Faculty of Life Science, Northwest University, No. 229 North Taibai Road, Xi’an 710069, PR China.

The affected individual of hair loss demands help, because hair is viewed as a sign of youth and good health. Nowadays treatment of alopecia includes drug therapy and hair transplantation. Some drugs may promote hair growth, at least temporarily, but the treatment is effective only in milder alopecia, instead of extensive alopecia. Furthermore, the side effect of long period medication could not be avoided. Hair transplantation involves harvesting small pieces of hair-bearing scalp grafts from a donor site and relocating them to a bald area. This method does not increase the number of existing hairs, but only redistributes them. The operation is sophisticated and time-consuming, thus the patient suffers a lot during the process. The discovery of hair follicle stem cells (FSC) brings gospel to the affected individual of hair loss because of its capacity of generating new hair when they interact with mesenchymal dermal papilla cells (DPC). Besides, both FSC and DPC have strong proliferative capacity and the patient’s own cells could be expanded considerably in vitro. Thus we hypothesize that the microencapsulation of the two kinds of cells in alginate gels could be implanted into the bald scalp of the patient since alginate gels is effective in cell transplantation. The strategy may provide a more convenient and valid alternative to hair loss if the hypothesis proved to be practical.

PMID: 17936520 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

I’d love for alginate gels to be the missing link of ICX and Aderans, it would be wonderful. However, in the Journal of Medical HYPOTHESES you will find all sorts of weird stuff like electromagnetic stimulation, extra heat to the scalp (and silly ideas about keeping the scalp tempreature high with strange headgear), and all sorts of other weirdo ideas about baldness. Scientists in unrelated fields can write articles that “hypothesize” about baldness. ICX and Aderans, Histogen, Phoenixbio have been in cell-implantation HM for a while now. Im pretty sure out of those four entities (and the Indian Clinics now dabbling in it) that if HM can be done via the cell inject route, they will find it.
