Check out "hot air" Iron man\'s post

Check out Mr. Hot Air’s post below. He says his posit regards to Replicel is based on fact, not hot air and yet we now know that the company does not even know yet what the results of the study are. Iron Man and his naysaying ilk are nothing but a bunch of goons who talk a lot of sh!t.

Let me look and learn…

Jumping the shark
Jumping the shark is an idiom used to describe the moment of downturn for a previously successful enterprise. The phrase was originally used to denote the point in a television program’s history where the plot spins off into absurd story lines or unlikely characterizations. These changes were often the result of efforts to revive interest in a show whose audience had begun to decline, usually through the employment of different actors, writers or producers.

Interesting. According to this, none of these users you mention are doing something wrong, because in order to say “xy jumped the shark” - there is the need for a “previously successful enterprise” or bio-tech company. If such a “previously successful enterprise” (e.g. Histogen, ARI, Follica, Replicel etc) would exist, who has previously been succussful to give baldies a full head of hair, I guess nobody would be here anymore.

Am I right?

Therefore, concerning Replicel, you can’t say that some guys/nasayers are goons - Replicel was NOT successful at all in the past for baldies nor Histogen. So naysayers can’t say “Replicel or Histogen jumped the shark”. YOU are the only one who says “jumped the shark”.

We naysayers simply say “REPLICEL WILL FAIL HORRIBLY” - a claim based on evidence and not based on desperate hot air.

» Check out Mr. Hot Air’s post below. He says his posit regards to Replicel
» is based on fact, not hot air and yet we now know that the company does not
» even know yet what the results of the study are. Iron Man and his
» naysaying ilk are nothing but a bunch of goons who talk a lot of sh!t.


» » Check out Mr. Hot Air’s post below. He says his posit regards to
» Replicel
» » is based on fact, not hot air and yet we now know that the company does
» not
» » even know yet what the results of the study are. Iron Man and his
» » naysaying ilk are nothing but a bunch of goons who talk a lot of sh!t.
» sh’t.

Hahaha! Mr. Hotair tells us his nickname name - “sh"t” as in Mr. Hot “Sh’t-for-brains” Air.