Capsaicin + minox?

Has anyone tried a solution of capsaicin + minox?

there was a study done on mice a while back:

BACKGROUND: Capsaicin induces the release of substance P(SP), and depletes and prevents reaccumulation of SP in C type nerve fibers. Trophic role of SP and the neural mechanisms of hair growth control remain obscure. Minoxidil is widely used as a topical agent for hair loss. OBJECTIVE: The effects of coapplication of capsaicin and minoxidil on hair growth and cycle, compared with application of capsaicin or minoxidil alone, was evaluated. METHODS: After depilation of the back skin of mice, we divided mice into four groups, i.e., control, capsaicin, minoxidil and coapplied group. We examined hair regrowth after depilation in terms of macroscopic examination, image analysis using phototrichograms, measurement of hair regrowth length, microscopic examination and measurement of mast cell count, and [methyl-3H] thymidine uptake. RESULTS: The results are summarized as follows; 1. Hair growth of capsaicin group and minoxidil group began faster than that of coapplied group and control. Thereafter, hair growth of capsaicin group was observed as the fastest, followed by minoxidil group, coapplied group, and control. 2. The percentage of the area of hair regrowth in coapplied group was lower than capsaicin group, similar to minoxidil group, and higher than control at the 15th day after depilation. At the 30th day after depilation, there was no significant difference between coapplied group and capsaicin group. 3. Hair of coapplied group grew steadily up to the 30th day after depilation, growing taller than any other group. 4. On microscopic examination, capsaicin was able to make the hair cycle faster and shorter than control, but minoxidil group and coapplied group prolonged the anagen phase of hair cycle. 5. Though mast cell count decreased in all four groups after depilation, capsaicin group decreased significantly more than the other group. 6. [Methyl-3H] thymidine uptake increased in all four groups until the 5th day after depilation, and then decreased. The uptake of coapplied group was similar to that of minoxidil group. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that capsaicin can not only induce the anagen phase quickly, but also sustain constant effect on hair growth. Minoxidil can also induce the anagen phase fast, and prolong the duration of anagen phase. Therefore, it is concluded that coapplication of capsaicin and minoxidil can grow hair quickly and steadily.

It sounds good except that the study was done on mice. Mice respond to almost anything, you can probably rub some beer on their skin and they grow more hair :slight_smile: the study has to be done on humans in order to be taken seriously.

» It sounds good except that the study was done on mice. Mice respond to
» almost anything, you can probably rub some beer on their skin and they
» grow more hair :slight_smile: the study has to be done on humans in order to be
» taken seriously.

well thats what im wondering if anyone here has ever tried this combo. theres plenty of things being tried that didnt even have the benefit of being proven to work on mice

Hm, here’s a human study, not for hair but it does tell you what concentration to use to minimize skin irritations.

SAN DIEGO, CA – August 21, 2002 – Results of a study comparing the irritant effects of topical capsaicin at various concentrations indicate that 0.075 percent maintains efficacy while minimising skin irritations.

Based on these findings, the researchers recommend that double blinded studies should use the 0.075 percent cream concentration.

Lead investigator William Ackerman, MD, of Pain Medicine, Arkansas Specialty Care, in Little Rock, Arkansas, United States, said that for general clinical practice 0.125 percent capsaicin "demonstrates the greatest efficacy and is only rarely associated with patient discomfort."
Dr. Ackerman, who presented his findings August 20th at the 10th World Congress on Pain, said that it has been difficult to use capsaicin in double blind trials because "patients complain of skin irritation and often fail to comply ".

His team compared the incidence of skin irritation, pain and pruritus with different commercial concentrations of topical capsaicin cream.
After obtaining Institutional Review Board approval and informed consent from patients, they enrolled 15 adult volunteers. In a double-blinded fashion, they used a template and an applicator to apply a placebo cream and four concentrations of capsaicin cream (0.025 percent, 0.075 percent, 0.125 percent and 0.25 percent) to different linear spots on the right forearm of each subject.

They assessed pruritus scores and visual analog score (VAS) at baseline and again at five-minute intervals for 60 minutes. Laser Doppler fluxmetric studies were done to determine skin perfusion on both forearms with the left forearm as a control at baseline and every 15 minutes for 60 minutes. Skin perfusion changes were expressed as the percent differences between the study and control limbs.

Subjects who received 0.25 percent capsaicin all had significant pain, pruritus and increased skin blood flow. Patients in the 0.125 percent group had discomfort (VAS <3) and two patients had a significant increase in tissue blood flow. There were no reports of skin discomfort in the 0.075 capsaicin group, he said.